• lath@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Here’s the thing, Europe has about 40-50 countries depending on where you look and who you ask. Of those, only 13 had at least a colony, with UK being top dog in this and Germany being in the middle of the pack.

    So let’s say that a third of the states in Europe might have at any point in history been able to abuse their colonial powers. Some of those that did are repentant nowadays, others not so much.

    The problem with this is you say Europe, but it’s actually 1/3 of it. By doing this, you confirm my “out of sight, out of mind” remark as obviously few people would seem to care about the rest 2/3 of Europe having little to no say in the matter because you know, they’ve been rolled over and over across the centuries by the higher military powers at the times simply not giving a fuck.

    The US waged a cultural propaganda war, won and is now in a superior position allowing it to somewhat maintain the illusion. Only time might allow that general perception to change.

    As for European hypocrisy, it’s just general hypocrisy where politicians smile at the public and exchange benefits. The backstabbing exists as much as everywhere else and the unity exists out of need. Without the different types of pressure from Russia, China, US and such, there would be no EU because there’s too much bad history in between.

    I’m going off rails… Anyway, my “urgent need” isn’t really urgent, I just caught the post in an empty period of time i have nothing better to fill with. And the meme is warping a state of things we can only comment on long after the facts in order to generate spite.

    You say Europeans. I ask which ones.

    You say all of them. I say we’re not that united. It’s more of a love-hate polyamory.

    You instead say the ones the matter. I say if only some matter, then why hate on the rest as well?