Watching mythical kitchen about hash browns and wondering if anybody have any ideas on how to make potatoes into other things that are extremely cheap. I usually have only potatoes and margarine at last 2 weeks before I get food stamps because it isn’t enough to cover basic food things.

Does anybody know any good ideas or recipes or something that does not require a lot of other one time ingredients? That’s really cheap on quantities, like spices, where it can last a while with it being really inexpensive.

Things I have is absolutely basic cooking skills and cooking appliances. Microwave oven and stove. I don’t have much of anything because and can’t afford anything

Anybody have any ideas or recipes or thoughts?

    4 months ago

    Eggs have gotten expensive lately. Still worth getting if you can find/afford them, but probably not as useful today as a few years ago, or in a few years.

    The food shelf I volunteered at a couple weeks ago says peanut butter is one of the hardest things for them to get (I assume something like caviar would be harder but that isn’t something most people eat so who cars) . So might not be good advice. Nuts tend to be very expensive in general so probably not the best advice, but might be useful for variety when OP can get it. (technically peanuts are not nuts, but in this case lumping them together makes sense). You can make your own nut butter fairly easially in a minimal kitchen if you can get any nuts (including at a local park where they are often ignored)

      4 months ago

      Gosh, true that about eggs. I’ve been using them largely as a cheaper alternative to meat, but it’s getting to the point where I might as well have just bought the meat.

      Maybe I should just bite the bullet and go vegan for a bit.

      4 months ago

      Penaut butter is also notoriously hard to stock at the food pantry I voluenteer at too. We’ve had a lot of lentils lately I’ve been trying to push because they’re very nutritious and easy too.