First as Tragedy, then as Farce

    4 months ago

    How would you suggest fixing it? Because no President can fix it without forcibly destroying the rest of our democracy. Amendments to the constitution are performed by the legislative branch and require a super majority. The president is not in the right branch. To breach another branches power they generally need to find loop holes created by Congress not realizing someone would abuse them.

    Example: emergency powers granted to the president. They do not give the president ability to change written law, and must be re-voted on by Congress to remain ongoing after a set amount of time. The president has to claim/declare a state of emergency that is a threat to our nation.

    So that is what Trump says he will use and why he calls the immigrants an invasion to forcibly detain people. Any logical source would show that immigration has been occurring for most of our countrys existence. Also that he spent 4 years with it occurring before and it wasn’t an emergency then.

    Now immigration is decreasing, Trump faught against legislation proposed by his own party to slow the flow of immigrants. As such it is a clear misuse of power to declare it an emergency, especially to override legislation to enable military members on our own soil and thereby id argue an impeachable offense. One could call that an invasion perhaps.

    Every legislative branch member that agrees to give up the legislative branches responsibility in this manner by not writing new immigration laws in an attempt to fix the issue is not upholding the constitution, but rather trying to bypass their branches responsibility. Emergency powers were created for fast acting scenarios of the executive branch, the Republicans have had decades to write legislation, they turn down immigration reform legislation. They are clearly not trying to fix anything. Thereby all members who vote to keep the state of emergency going should be impeached for breaking their oath to uphold the constitution.