Sign the petition for a Guillotine emoji.
I have a 3L Prosecco bottle on my shelf for when this cunt eats shit.
If by shifting left and right you mean moving the cursor, that has been in gboard for 5+ years.
The movie is 22 years old 💀
Wasn’t the whole shtick of the 28 later zombies that they weren’t zombies, but that it was super rabies? Wasn’t the plot of the second movie that all the infected had starved to death within months?
Trumps face looks like the faces of the space marines I painted as a kid. He’s just missing the eyes.
Impressive… Let’s see Paul Allen’s jihadist faction.
Nein, OP ist einfach nicht okay.
Quality Vs Quantity
Broken Arrow was a lightning fast refund for me.
Russian prototypes Vs American cold war stuff.
T-14 Armata Vs M1A1
T-15 Armata Vs Stryker
You’re not even trying.
What kind of an insane take is this.
That’s so not a trout.
Ja komm lass Zwei-Parteien-System, Diggi.
deleted by creator
I mean it is Switzerland.
Pretty sure that just means women who (have to) wear a burqa just stay inside now?!
Huch. Ist Lassmich kein Haufen Atomstromlüfterjungen? Kann es sein?
From Germany: about half of these still work for me. But only half.