McDonald’s USA has free soft drink refills.
McDonald’s USA has free soft drink refills.
And make public transport free with your ticket. Works wonders here (Brisbane)!
They have near constant bus service on game night from the hub a couple of suburbs over - catch a bus to the hub and then straight on to the stadium.
Or bus / drive to the train station and train in - whatever your want.
Yep - that’s something we tend to do well:
Melbourne Cricket ground (100,000 capacity)
Adelaide oval (53,000 capacity)
Brisbane Gabba (42,000 capacity)
Sydney Olympic stadium (83,000 capacity) (there are some carparks just out of view, but not many)
The venues were pretty cool I thought. Nice break from ‘generic sport stadium A’.
There’s other ways - write it into the conditions of loan that it’s not the school’s responsibility to monitor student use when at home.
There are solutions that allow monitoring only on campus - both the monitoring person and the student need to be on-site for the software to contact a licensing server. No server contact=no monitoring.
And never bring ‘AI’ into it.
Like doing homework in your room? Where now the monitor can turn on your webcam without you knowing and watch you in your personal space?
OK so that’s nuts they installed a private ‘AI’ monitoring software that they have no oversight or control over. From the article, they can’t even see what it flags as inappropriate - it just flags and deletes.
A school admin should never hand over that much control!
This is so frustrating when trouble shooting - trying to re-find where that one settings page was because you opened another.
It’s not a phone - it’s a windowing desktop environment. Allow multiple instances!
A prominent Australian bank has these requirements:
For Internet Banking, your password must be six to eight characters long.
To improve security, it should:
contain both numbers and letters.
include upper and lower-case letters (your password is case sensitive).
Sooo many issues getting wifi or sleep working in the past. It’s so much better now.
As an Australian, here’s the real war.
Never heard of miracle whip, looked it up - of course it has high fructose corn syrup.
Real mayo all the way. Whole egg preferably 🙂
That’s the perfect amount of parmesan.
I went looking for the implied ‘A’ language but couldn’t find it. Did find this though:
Surprising how many single letter names there are.
I think it comes down to the last part - indistinguishable by a reasonable person as an authentic visual depiction. That’ll be up to courts to decide, but I think a painting would be pretty obviously not an authentic visual depiction.
Question from an outsider:
Do all bills in the states have to have a fancy acronym?
It looks like the senate is the first step, is that right? Next is the house? It’s the opposite where I am.
From the text of the bill:
The term ‘digital forgery’ means any intimate visual depiction of an identifiable individual created through the use of software, machine learning, artificial intelligence, or any other computer-generated or technological means, including by adapting, modifying, manipulating, or altering an authentic visual depiction, that, when viewed as a whole by a reasonable person, is indistinguishable from an authentic visual depiction of the individual.
Grrr you reminded me that lollipop got rid of the notification ticker.
One of the nicest implementations of notifications and they scrapped it for intrusive heads up.
Here in Australia they fill it and give it to you, no refills.