why link to the assets?
but those are all reasonable features that could be added to lutris.
meta makes 156B per year, assuming 3.98B users per year (average monthly active users). that’s about 39$ revenue per user per year and 3.2$ per user per month.
If you want to make that kind of money, i think they only realistic option adding ads with an option to pay to disable the ads. i never saw a open source project raises that kind of money with fundraising. even then i am not sure it will work because i think i read a report that people who block ads basically don’t read them when they can’t block so those ads will make no money.
Openhub also says it’s “mostly written in javascript”.
Probably because the website site is listed as one of the repositories.
You could have a multi-paradigm programming language and use FP techniques in the code. And at least in my university there was an introduction to FP and i assume that is true for most CS degree programs.
Anyway no offence but i wonder how many of the people who upvoted you actually programmed in a purely functional programming language . i read and did the exercises for real world haskell and i don’t think purely functional programming language can create the clearest code. i can see the advantages but a language with a strong support for FP and OOP would be better IMO (Ruby?). I also can’t think of a popular FOSS project that uses a purely functional language (pandoc is an exception, but that seems like a sweet spot for FP).
But it is a cool project and i like the endeavor.
I don’t want to start a holy war. but they say it should bring more contributors and a more fun programming language should mean more contributions but contribution metrics on openhub show no meaningful improvement IMO.
Written in PureScript
Using a purely functional niche language like that will really prevent good developers from contributing IMO.
Yeah, but i think any programmable system should allow low level constructs if the high level constructs are not enough.
iirc this caused serious problems with wine because the API of windows requires setting coordinates.
Where is the source code used for the newer plan 9 development? (the foundation said they are participating in google summer of code).
I am someone who kinda tries to live a more healthy lifestyle, if somebody tells me there is something that is good for my health i expect some scientific research to provide evidence of that. the health industry does provide things that have no scientific evidence that they are effective (so called “big placebo” companies).
You can a expectation of positive outcomes using optimized wording when asking for donations (and ideally A/B testing it), seems to work ok for wikipedia and thunderbird. also regarding fatigue maybe you could have a platform that allows “transferring” your vote to a certain individual or even a organisation (maybe adding support for governance models like the feature voted on the most by a specific group of users).
We need better funding for open source games IMO, maybe a non profit set up for that.
I like RSS, i think it can improve the information diet people have by getting high quality content. kinda an alternative to more popular content (meaning possibly low effort) pushed to us using algorithms or just created to appeal to the masses because it is more economical.
It does have a UX problem, i think we need some open source project where you click on a button and it will show you the RSS address but also give you the option to set up RSS while it coaches you to do it in a way that is kinda pleasant and easy.
iirc they were already listed as goals in previous NLnet grants, so it has already been a while, not mention that Lemmy budget is a drop in the ocean compared to reddit and that money could definitely be used.
Any update on improving Lemmy fundraising process?
KDE recently did a post where they describe the result of adding a notification asking for donations. the money they received from only paypal alone in the 7 days of December is almost 5 times higher (62K) then their biggest previous month (October 13K).
Lemmy donations are down from march to today , while piefed is having a modest organic growth . maybe this could boost development resources bringing features users have been asking for years and improve the speed of experimentation that will help perfect Lemmy’s design and feature set.
Thanks for the hard work again!
I always assumed its daily reporting of monthly active users. the nodeinfo format that is used for reporting the data does not show daily active users iirc (it is seemingly capable of reporting weekly users).
I don’t know if it could be cheaper , it probably could be cheaper because if it will be more popular prices will drop (Economies of scale) , but i am afraid there will always be a price premium for FOSS friendly hardware because companies are losing their competitive advantage by giving away some of the work they do for free.
FYI, its not true the 80 percent of users are on lemmy.world see here (total number of active users) and here (number of lemmy.world active users).
Also piefed as far as i know does not really support multireddits , you can’t define a feed of groups of communities as a user. piefed topics are configured by admins or the developers .
Reminder: Microsoft GitHub social media likes is not an accurate barometer of much. Starhacking is a thing & it tells you nothing of the code quality
Its funding track record is also pretty good it seems . no indication can prove a project is high quality, but it can help in deciding what to check out.
I consider that game a work of art, this scene comes to mind. dying repeatedly while storming the beach really emphasize that war should be avoided and the price of democracy and freedom people paid.
The only thing certain is death and taxes . but unlike for example omegle and it’s successors you have to register so if it will be detected that it is a LLM it could be banned (eventually people will find out because LLM are not that good). Also i assume someone will have a incentive to do that so eventually it will try to get someone money or something like that and will probably get banned.
You can also say the same thing for every platform you communicate with people like lemmy . you might even wonder if a for profit company might have better resources to detect bots.