Es geht um “Gestalter” Klamotten, die Löcher und Flicken haben aber schweineteuer sind. OP hat einfach nur natürliche Löcher und Flicken, nicht wirklich Balenciaga.
Es geht um “Gestalter” Klamotten, die Löcher und Flicken haben aber schweineteuer sind. OP hat einfach nur natürliche Löcher und Flicken, nicht wirklich Balenciaga.
What’s it from? A short form video or some longer series/film?
That’s not too bad. Walking 800m to the supermarket is a piece of cake
it’s 1/2 a mile, but it could be 400 ft
Cool numbers, bro
I don’t know how much that is
Why’d you shrink the wank tank down in your collage?
I can clearly see the bike wheels are different sizes.
Also, I don’t think perspective does much here. The bike stands flat against the object in both photos.
If you think about fair trade and rainforest alliance, there are many “green” labels and fair worker wage/ no slavery labels. Most of them are owned by a brand and not transparent.
We could use some clarification there.
The roundabouts in your article are humongous. As you are from Canada, and @urheber and me are from Germany, let me show you the typical size of our roundabouts
It’s quicker than waiting for a green light, mostly indistinguishable from walking straight.
PS: in Germany the cars have to stop if you want to cross on a zebra crosswalk
Ich selbst habe keine Berührungspunkte mit MagieDasSammeln, aber ich fand die Abwechslung sehr gut.
I don’t know, I’m in Germany
So, I’ve never owned one, but did a test ride on a con. It was the most plasticy, janky mess I ever sat in. Ok, a Hummer I once sat in was maybe equally bad.
Every surface your hand could touch wasn’t fastened properly and moved in ways it shouldn’t. The door handles wiggled about. The touch screen replacing the middle console - absolute nightmare. The swinging door got stuck halfway.
You could say, all of this is the interior and not the engine. But it’s what the user interacts with. If I can’t trust the manufacturer from my experience with the door handle, I’ll have a hard time trusting them about the brakes.
Die raffen halt nicht, dass das enorme Einnahmen für die Kommune generieren kann. Aber wer braucht schon Budget.
That’s the wrong way of looking at an å.
It’s not just an a with decoration. It actually has different pronunciation and is typically replaced with aa if no å is available. (I’m neither Swedish nor Norwegian, so not 100% sure, but it’s what happened to Erling Haaland).
Similarly, you would replace a German ä with ae. So if my name was Bäcker, it would be wrong to spell it Backer on a ticket. Baecker would be the way.
Literally leasing a very important port city (Sevastopol) to the Russian navy counts for nothing?
That’s so much more cooperation than talking with NATO or “aiming to get closer ties with the EU”. Not to say that Russia had tons of trade deals with the EU, so does Morocco and everyone who wants something in that region.
Wasn’t Oklahoma supposed to be given back to the native tribes? Like more than 50% of it?
The best one imo: the carpenter’s hammer
Wikipedia translates it to claw hammer, but the built and functions are very different.
Stew ist Eintopf. Soup can be different, clear broth, cream soup or pureed soup (see here for more)
Spion x Familie ahh Handlungsstrang