It’s clear he didn’t read the article, but it’s necessary to point out she doesn’t even 500k- it is assets, which means she’s as far down the hole as the rest of us.
It’s clear he didn’t read the article, but it’s necessary to point out she doesn’t even 500k- it is assets, which means she’s as far down the hole as the rest of us.
Kinda difficult to have an AI with those restrictions because anything is politicized depending on your pov- just getting information and using science is considered politics in 2025. That said, AIs need to do a better job sourcing their info of people are using them to search so it’s at least traceable. Chances are most of this info is just from Wikipedia but they should do track it better
It’s mind boggling anyone would even try to dismantle the FAA- they’re one of the most boring organizations out there and their #1 concern is safety. There’s even tons of money to be made while worrying about safety, so it is so odd to do this. Trying to reduce air traffic controllers is an insane idea in general- without them everyone’s flying blind. It’s gonna take decades to figure out all the damage this moron has done just like with Reagan
I got a good chuckle out of the doubling down “learn when you’re older” until I realized you had to see them 5 times a week. Sorry, that sucks and it is sad how little Americans know of their own country. Like when people talk of immigration as if you can just fill out a form and be American tomorrow- they don’t even know most countries need a visa just for vacation into the US. And man I hate taxes so much- it grinds my gears that we’ve got these tax corporations bending us over when they have all the info to not require filling out tax forms for the majority of people.
I haven’t done the math but if you don’t drive that much, did it beat their yearly costs (maintenance/insurance/gas)? Honestly that scheme is wild but makes total sense for a customer because not having to deal with car maintenance and insurance seems like a good tradeoff. I wonder when the dominos are all gonna tumble for these driving companies
How incredibly bizarre. Why is it even allowed to edit a post?
Tbh I don’t think you’re in the minority. By far there are so very few truly well done open worlds, but how many of them were anything like mass effect which tied the stories together and had actual ramifications? The time investment is so not worth running around their lifeless worlds accomplishing nothing; I really dislike open world games
Yeah maybe if Firefox could be the default browser on Android, mac, and windows, they’d be able to outpace the others on marketshare. We know this’ll never happen though, and desktop usage (their majority market) is dwindling; this is while the vast majority of users never change from the default browser and their competitors are the default and thus the target for compatibility on the web. Maybe you’re right and the ceo could change all this by being paid less. Tbh I’m happy as long as they have the revenue to stay afloat and can continue making the browser without adding a bunch of tracking. All this talk about marketshare is nonsense- the CEO’s job is to find money and they’re finding money and diversifying. In 2023 alone, they were able to increase developer costs by 40m (so now about 260m, almost a 20% jump and 10% the year before that from 200m), so acting like they don’t invest in their products is so asinine.
Tbh it’s more the getting users to gamble by paying for cases that got the ball rolling. Objectively, the least terrible monetization form is buying a game outright and then earning your items through playing as they used to do before free to play became normalized. That’s why all these shitty games come out with battle passes even though game developers did just fine supporting their game for a few years without the constant money churn. Because it’s the norm, people now think it’s impossible to have a game with updates that is bought outright, yet deep rock galactic does it just fine without $60/yr worth in battle passes.
Tbh there really isn’t any replacement, which tells you a lot about how profitable browsers that care even a little about privacy vs browsers that are just supported by bigger companies and have better marketing. And yes, there’s a bunch of smaller browsers around but they’re mostly reskins and die overnight without Google and Mozilla to carry the major load. It’s sad but privacy is not as popular as compatibility with every website and when you’re the default, you’re compatible everywhere. I’ve been around since Netscape and I don’t see a way to change this at all. Mozilla literally relies on Google ad money to stay afloat.
Honestly wild still getting 5% of the vote and I doubt people kept quiet about such an abnormal event
I mean east Palestine incident was just a little under 2 years ago. Rail safety was a solved problem that eventually became a problem because it got in the way of shareholders. I think John Oliver has a segment on it.
That’s because this crop doesn’t want to work for tree fiddy and on 4h of sleep every day. How is he gonna wipe his tears with money if he has to pay people?
I’d argue valve spearheading microtransactions was a bad thing, traceable to tf2 items and cases. People don’t give them enough flak for filling games with monetization.
In a vacuum, no- but we all know life is more complicated than this chart. For example, how do they compare to the market rate of other CEOs? Are they increasing profitability (something marketshare alone doesn’t say)? I’m not just gonna say “lower ceo pay = problem solved”- we have to do better. CEO pay is a systemic problem and needs a systemic solution- imo it should be capped across the spectrum or based on lowest employee pay but I’m sure I’m in the minority
In other words, the marketshare isn’t tied to the ceo? I don’t see the point in putting that out there without any context, like is lowering the ceo’s compensation supposed to magically give Mozilla more market? Do they want a new ceo? How much is Mozilla making? What’s the end goal? Right now they’re competing with Microsoft and Google- it’s not exactly fair competition.
Imo it feels like the content is not very fresh compared to when you played that first rpg/open world/etc. It just does not feel like these aaa studios are innovating anymore- I’m looking for compelling stories and tight gameplay loops but they’re feeding us rehashed side quests fillers and eye candy. Anyone feel like they’re just playing borderlands sequels where you’re constantly forced into a meaningless quest to do somebody’s bidding?
You know what else coincides with 2009? Google Chrome’s release- a browser by a company with far more resources. I’m absolutely not a supporter of CEO pay going up in general- this post is just incredibly lazy
I feel like I’m crazy because I can’t see our own leaders doing that due to sheer hubris
From experience, these morons will find a way to blame it on Biden. I have zero hope for Trump voters getting out of their delusions because they are in a social media induced feedback loop. There is going to be so much pain in the next 4 years