British Museum-ed
British Museum-ed
That’s interesting, thank you. I didn’t know anything about Gujarati, this is a cool opportunity to learn!
Google translated it as “Nine days and seven days are tight”.
Does that sound like a good translation to you?
So when someone changes a light bulb, which direction to turn is just a feeling in their bones?
That’s fair.
Well if it doesn’t happen again, that means Linux isn’t doing well.
‘it’ being a handoff of ownership
Yeah, it’s interesting to look through the edit history over the years. With StreetComplete I recently fixed ~8 stores that were many years out of date, during an hour walk.
It’s fun to find a real hole-in-the-wall that even google maps doesn’t have.
I have found Organic Map’s search to be far better than OSMand. OSMand has far more features though.
Ah, thanks. Luckily the Linux ecosystem has is healthy with diversity. We can always use other distros.
Is this just a title and a picture? Am I missing the details somewhere?
How do contacts work? I assume you use cheogram. Does cheogram access your phone’s contacts, or does it have a separate database of contacts?
Does anyone else think the thumbnail looks like a llama with laser eyes?
Wow, organic maps is really nice, seems like a much cleaner user interface than OsmAnd, whereas OsmAnd has more options.
Huh, works fine for me for nearly a year now. The only thing I still use google calendar for are some shared calendars.
After proton adds Standard Notes. I’m hoping google maps will be the last product I’m tied to.
Yeah, assuming the best intentions from everyone, you would still expect some adjustments would be necessary to any new policy as they see the affect of the policy.
If Clear is an equity problem, then the toll lanes that are going in all over California certainly are.
Toll roads would be equal. The toll lanes feel really bad.
Several of your comments/posts are being reported. You can find the code of conduct here:
There is nothing shocking in there just basic thing like no name calling. Which I suspect is why this comment was being reported. And is why I took down your other post.
Text is very poor at communicating a lot of subtleties that you get in other forms of communication. So it’s helpful to expect the best intentions of others and maybe ask clarifying questions.
If you look through other posts and comments you will find that people tend to be pretty chill, looking for a laugh or to make others laugh, and enjoying curious observations about life. People also get passionate about certain topics but I like how the code of conduct puts it “Criticize ideas, never people.”
I’m a mod, so the latter. I want the reporters to know they are heard, but also I tend to be slow to take action.
Were you browsing Wikipedia in the shower?
I’m sure Netanyahu also wants it to end right after he gets his sadistic goals.
As of mid 2024 the lowest estimate I found was >7000 Palestinian children dead, as compared to a highest estimate of <100 Israeli children dead. Any child dead is too many but it shows that this is not a war, it’s a slaughter.
I voted for Harris because any alternative is asinine, but we should expect that the arms shipments to Israel will continue unless we pressure our politicians.