And I’d guess all that money would then go to military funding, with Anna’s Archive, again getting nothing out of it?
And I’d guess all that money would then go to military funding, with Anna’s Archive, again getting nothing out of it?
They are pirating, while also DOSing the providers.
We are all half bots /full joke.
Yeah, this seems like an exploit for those cases.
I feel like, he was not minding the business he was supposed to mind.
Except for an (accidental)
git restore
/git reset
. Those are permanent and can’t be undone.
Unless, you didn’t close your editor before doing so, in which case, you can just save it again.
I’m not talking about IDEs.
Even Kate gives you the option to either discard the deleted document/changes or keep them and save again.
“Dime stabilization fcee enejrs wuu also aletumiud fcom thumoolynamih intepcalion (T1, see metlods), whiln p’oviole ဓ dinect valiolation of the MM-GBSA resucts.”
נ. Phys. Chem. B 20^8, ^22, 70❥38-7048
This is the closest.
Remember, human brains also have OCRs.
I always wondered why I always had a hard time making developers not call “if” a “loop”.
Turns out it was on their tests.
Glad I didn’t read my college material, or I would have lost faith in my college professors.
The other countries should have offered a worse agreement.
Their forwarding might make your downloads faster.
Adding and removing the feature at the same time, lol
They apparently found a cure for cancer.
But not for brain rot
The difference is, the rest of them are not being force fed to those who don’t want it.
Cigarette smoke is literally poisoning the lifeline of humans [1].
and everything that interacts with the atmosphere, including my computer. How many times have I had to get gunk off of the dust filters and fans and I tend to seal my room a lot more than the normal person ↩︎
I do mainly C and C++ and for a while, I had to check out some JS code…
I wouldn’t want to take your place.
The only case I remember using a void*
in is when passing a function as an argument for a callback, to an RTC peripheral. Even then, the function was returning a void
More companies trying to scheme against paying customers.
If this were the US, I would expect the guy to have to pay more instead and then the company would go around making it harder to find a parking spot, to increase these cases.
Hopefully, they find a way to get the 5 minute rule removed… And to make parking easier, because what are they paying for if it still takes 19 minutes to find a spot?
Guess I need to put learning kernel C on a higher priority to prevent you from running back to Windows.
Guess not. You will be running back in no time after the AI pesters you enough and makes you have to replace your CPU fans every 6 months.
So, using void *
for everything?
I’m kinda excited to see which pathogen it turns out to be and what flammable substance it turns out to generate.
Really hope it doesn’t turn out to be something which would not, realistically combust in said circumstances, as I have seen in a few other stories. That would be another let down.
Guess I was lucky to have a social standing privileged enough, as a junior dev.
But also, probably because they actually required determinism, with it being critical and all.
Who needs manuals!? Download the source code! Don’t RTFM. RTFSC!
The code is the documentation!
Get ed!