They can’t, but there are plenty of Puerto Ricans living in states where they can vote.
Not at all. If these people actually read the Bible they’d be completely fine with trans people. They don’t, they just make up shit to fit their preexisting beliefs and then call themselves Christian.
LinusTechTips has an incredibly recent video on this exact topic. Of course they were immediately sued or whatever so you can only watch on reuploads.
I wouldn’t support the company, but I also think certifications are mostly useless.
Man we need a giant comparison table. I looked into these but have been trying out SiYuan.
Weirdly enough, I literally can right now. Usually I cannot. I don’t remember the last time this was the case and I would not have noticed without this post.
Mlem is a lot better than Voyager. Better features, faster, has fewer errors messages. At least for me.
0% would have gotten through if the judge had done their job.
Doesn’t really matter here. The saying is “the man, the myth, the legend”. If you go changing every part of it you might as well have not said anything at all because it won’t make any sense.
They literally told you how it’s used for practical applications and you just ignored it. It makes cryptography stronger, hence your password less likely to be broken. National secrets less likely to be leaked. Your identity less likely to be stolen.
No first time ever. This isn’t a supercomputer, it’s a distributed cloud network that they’re referring to as a supercomputer because it has a lot of power. It’s not a supercomputer in any other sense of the word, as it’s set up on cloud providers around the globe rather than in one location in the same room.
Isn’t this an illegal sweepstakes?
I know zero people that belong in either of those groups. I’m pretty sure one degree of separation from me also have zero of those people in their friend groups. Anecdotes aren’t evidence.
I completely misread the title as “jimmy carter voted ‘thanks’ to the GOP’s least favorite law”. Which is very confusing
You’re getting downvoted because it sounds like you think COVID is fake. I agree with you that companies made up every reason they could to raise prices, but it was because COVID was a good scapegoat, not because COVID is fake.
Need a third button for Texas
The archive is of the “you’ve viewed your last complimentary article” page.
Hey’s spam filtering is a thousand times better than Gmail at least nowadays. Mostly because hey is literally built on the premise that you whitelist who you want to get emails from. The rest are blackholed. But the spam filtering is still very good for the approval part of it.
If you read the article it’s about a previous election and the decisions regarding that. Republicans are making the argument that the court’s announcement is going to cause ballot counters to count incorrectly (per what is already decided and has nothing to do with the previous election).