Sister 1 is #7, nothing she wont gobble down Sister 2 is #8, her true form is liquid to the point you wont understand even how
Sister 1 is #7, nothing she wont gobble down Sister 2 is #8, her true form is liquid to the point you wont understand even how
We stopped preparing/bringing the food whenever they started getting annoying and only continued as they went silent again. First 2 times took some time, after that they learned pretty quickly that silence gets the belly full quicker. This obviously only works with regular and sufficiently fed cats. As soon as one of ours needed to go on a brief diet (stomach flu) they started to get very vocal very fast and did only turn down their volume weeks after getting fed normally again. I think shes still salty about it months later… :(
And he is so eager doing so. Looks like the most important task all day with him runnig up to the path. He puts everything he got into smashing that ball onto the concrete as hard as he possibly can and is all fluffed up when that thing inevitably comes down again to nearly hit him. Almost like a toddler.