It might not cover everything, but here’s a nice list:
Scatterbrained and friendly optimist. Always happy to give my (unasked for) opinion :)
Pardon my rambling and broken English, I know I often sound like an alien trying to impersonate a human being.
It might not cover everything, but here’s a nice list:
I’m a happy OpenSUSE user, but is there a mrs. Chad I can be instead? :)
I wouldn’t know about the hence part, but I always read it as “years from now”. A bit like the opposite from “years since”.
As for the other thing, it started out with deliberately engineered beings for specific tasks like the vacuumorph.
About a hundred years later the remaining people would create new humans with the specific goal of being able to survive the harsher environment of a ravaged earth. It was these that evolved further into different creatures.
It’s a pretty far fetched story either way, I just like it for the weird pictures :)
I posted a link in one of the other replies. You can read the whole thing there if you’re interested, there’s a timeline on page 20 if you just want a quick overview.
There’s a copy of it in the internet archive
It’s a speculative evolution book from 1990 about how mankind might evolve in the next 5 million years. Basically the premise is that due to climate change, new species of humans are engineered to survive in a more hostile world. And then it follows these new species and their further evolutions.
The creatures in the picture above are both descended from humans.
It’s weird, bleak and very far fetched.
A copy of Man after Man:
This is such a weird book. It has leech people, underwater people, blind psychic baby people, meat mountain people, etc.
Looking at my guitar, 3d printer, drawing notebooks, balls of yarn, flute and god knows what else I have buried in my many junk drawers…
Every one of them came with that feeling….
I feel like having a little cry right now 😭
A still from the badger badger badger song.
One of the most persistent ear worms ever made :)
I needed a new one, the old one was worn out :)
Basically any fantasy cartoon that featured a voyage or some kind of quest was a favorite when I was little.
My very first self drawn image that I shared online. It was for the inktober challenge. It’s nothing special, but I always kept my doodles to myself until then.
I really appreciate the positive feedback I received back then. It motivated me to complete the rest of the month :)
Anachronox, but that’s never going to happen :(
That game ended on such a cliffhanger.
Dead Cells, especially the first level puts me in a flow where I’m wondering at the end how I actually got there.
I wish I could actually listen to what is being said to me for more than 5 minutes. Instead of having my attention drift off and me starting to daydream about something the other said.
Well they never consider me in THEIR embroidery pieces, so why should I? 😒
I really like the embroidery, but does the bacteriophage belong in this lineup?
I did the thing yesterday. It wasn’t my intention, and it was kind of incidental , but I’m so glad I did it in the end.
I can definitely recommend, just do the thing, you’ll thank yourself later.
I got into Stardew Valley literally by accident. As in, I twisted my ankle during a winter vacation and got stuck indoors for a week while my family was having fun outside. All I had to entertain myself was my laptop and this farming game I recently bought on a whim.
I didn’t see the fun in it at first, but I liked the music and eventually the grind kind of clicked for me. Wake up, water plants, sell stuff, explore a bit, go to bed, repeat. It helped that my other choices for entertainment were a bit limited at the time :) But once the daily tasks become routine, you kind of zone out during that part and think ahead of what you want to do for the rest of the day. Maybe explore that cave a little more, or go fishing for that fish you need for the community center, etc.
But I can totally understand if it’s not your thing. I might not have enjoyed it so much if I wasn’t chair bound for an entire week with nothing else to do…
That’s not the most glowing of endorsements when I write it out loud :)
What I’m trying to say is, for me it was a bit of a barrier to get through, but after that it’s such a cozy game to spend some time in. And it kind of has this nice reward cycle that makes me go “just one more day” a LOT of days :)
My job title is data engineer, but the organization I work at is small enough that it basically ranges from business intelligence to cloud engineering to data architecture to data science to whatever other thing is even slightly related to data :)