• 13 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • Trisquel provides a good experience out of the box imo, as long as your hardware is supported and if you don’t mind the dated looking interface. I used it for a while on my corebooted laptop.

    I didn’t used much any other “100% libre” distros. As much as I wanted to use it, I never managed to have Guix to run on that machine.

    [edit:] to answer OP’s question, I would use a distro that ships with it.

  • I was wondering about this because that seems like a good idea upfront, but apparently:

    • The extra minerals and stuff is a very minor benefit for plants and will not substitute for fertilizer.
    • If you put salt or seasoning in the boiling water, don’t use it for plants.
    • The starch might also promote mold / bacteria growth.

  • Il me semble que si ces sanctions étaient vraiment appliquée, Chrome et pe aussi Android deviendraient des entreprises séparées mais c’est tout.

    Pas sûr que ça change grand-chose effectivment, vu que la partie open source va pas changer et que le package propriaitaire que tout le monde utilise va probablement continuer à être distribuée de la même manière, juste par une autre entité.

    En tout cas je vois pas un monde où cette descision affecterait autre chose que les profits de Google. Par contre je vois pas non plus tellement MS trop s’impliquer là dedans pske ils sont aussi activement en train d’essayer de pas avoir à subir ce genre de procès sure le monopole.

  • Oh that’s an actually insightful answer! Thank you!

    I don’t really have any issue with KDE, I’ve actually barely used it at all, I was merely trolling. It’s juste the “a lot of functionality at the expense of simplicity “ that doesn’t speaks to me in general. I understand the criticism against GNOME, however I got to really appreciate the effort they are putting in simplicity and integration. Once you get used to do things “the gnome way” , it’s really comfortable imo. I guess the same goes for any DE or WM.

    I use Aeon btw, so of course I’m all in for using vanilla gnome!