Its okay biden gave natural disaster victims $100 and a kick in the nuts
Its okay biden gave natural disaster victims $100 and a kick in the nuts
Ghost of Beit Hanoun
Which is why we should do our part and stomp the shit out of these nazis when possible
Just look at the Patriot Act. Did it catch a single terrorist?
Agree. Punish every single American for our complicity. We deserve worse IMO.
The moment you dissolve rights to privacy for X scenario, you open dissolution for Y and Z as well
His minecraft base coordinates are public
Some chuds on youtube camp outside of gun buybacks and offer the money in cash instead of the gift cards the police give out.
To be honest I think anyone should resist giving up their weapons to the government, cops in the US can shoot you down with zero accountability. Might as well take some down with you.
Anyone ever wonder how they catch these guys?
It is closer to 20%.
Cool it with the antisemitism. The babies in incubators are hamas.
I tried and it said I didn’t finish making my account haha, glad I didn’t!
Beating an arab taxi driver and ripping down flags is okay though! At this point it should be shoot on sight for any ‘israelis’, they are the scum of the earth and should be properly disposed of.
You are a disgrace to the stink name.
They should stop using human shields… IOF HQ is in the middle of tel aviv!
Also: living on settlements declared illegal by the UN means they can kick rocks when they get blasted. They made the decision to live there.
The US only sustained the “Good Guy” image to westerners. Bombing and pillaging is all the US has done in it’s entire existence. China’s Belt and Road Initiative lifted over 40 million people out of poverty, with over a trillion dollars invested into the well-being of their fellow humans. Would the US ever do something like that?
What if we all bought stuff on amazon and then complained when it took to late to charge back
October 7th classic. Knowingly bring your children illegally into land you stole, piss yourself crying when there are casualties to 1 (one) child.
And they talk about human shields…
Boo hoo 😢