Can I assume from your response that you have a mk4 or mk4s with this issue then?
Thanks…It’s a good point. I’ve updated the post photo, and I’ll add the worse failure mode elsewhere.
If you wanted to customise the starting gcode, I’m sure you could.
A typical output with PLA.with Zoffset = 0
I can get adequate results with Zoffset or LiveZ +0.04 with smooth sheet and PLA.
PETG is still variable results for same settings, z+0.01 is ok some of the time, others it is still terrible, and still sees filament build up, so if printing real things, it eventually blobs, and has a (bedArea - printArea) chance of then causing a collision.
+0.02 means no bed adhesion, and I can’t actually get a finished first layer.
This is one of the worse failure modes I have experienced for this issue. In this instance, the extreme amount of “squish” leads to extreme filament buildup on the nozzle, eventually causing colisions and removing chunks of the FL test.
Yes, but it occurs with both PLA and PETG.
You mean my thinking cube?
I do my best thinking in the shower… I have amazing realisations and form incredible connections between relevant life dots…
I just have trouble remembering the outcomes of this thinking once I get out…
My mk4s has just been replaced by Prusa. I’ve been chasing down first layer problems that manifested as load cell bed scan calibrations being haywire and filament blockage false positives.
After replacing just about every part of the nextruder 2 parts at a time, it started leading to the loveboard being the culprit, but after 6 weeks of troubleshooting, I asked for this to just be solved already, so they’ve JUST delivered the replacement.
So for me, it will be starting from scratch sith my mk4s, and figuring out what’s needed.
Given I print mostly PETG structural parts, I’m imagining that I’ll likely end up with 0.8mm as my default, and 0.6mm Obxidian as my abrasives nozzle. (I have been waiting to print PCCF for a while…)
I’ve noticed partial internal blockages when switching between PETG and PLA; ie’ when purging, the new filament curves as it’s coming out and I’ll get inconsistent extrusion till it shakes a small fragment of the old filament out in the next print.
While cleaning filament helps, I think that’s mostly as I can run it at 290°C to flush the remaining anything out… Plus it’s a much longer filament swap process to do cleaning filament in between…
While regular nozzles are super cheap, the nextruder nozzles from Prusa aren’t, especially the High Flow ones, and double especially the high flow Obxidian ones… The high flow nozzles also don’t let you cold pull them the same way, which sucks…
When I started with my first printer, the flashforge A3, someone suggested having separate nozzles for PLA from PETG… I used to do this and it prevented many problems I’d been having from ever starting. I’m beginning to think about doing the same with my Mk4S, and having a separate hotend/nozzle combo for PETG, PLA, and PCCF that I can just swap…
So then I’ll just need two new mk4 silicon socks in colours other than black so I can tell them apart…
Don’t stress. Chat with Prusa support online.
They are amazing, and will help you identity what part needs replacing.
As these are all available in kit form, you have possibly the best documented and most repairable printer in the world…
If you want to push them for Obsidian support, take 5 mins and put that into their user survey…
I just put it into all the “what apps do you use for” sections that were appropriate, and I think there was also a free text section where I put “better MD export support” into, from memory…
I hear you on the obsidian vault costs, but for what it saves me in hassle I ended up going the full license, with 10 vaults… I have one for home, one for work, one for testing obsidian plugins/new tricks, and my also kid uses one for school…
So far, bulletproof, and individual crypto keys for vaults means separation between church/state/school is maintained…
The sync handles simultaneous editing on phone/laptop so that’s golden.
I alsu use nebo for handwritten notes on my android tablet, and export text to my daily note. (Just wish it exported MD properly! 🫤)
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=at.cwiesner.android.visualtimer&hl=en-US is a free android version of a TimeTimer that looks to be privacy respecting, and doesn’t have ads, as far as I can tell… (Although I run an android variant that let’s me turn off an app’s access to the internet, so YMMV)
Built in tasks and data view for filtering.
Ping me separately if you want to compare notes…
I have separate logins on my machine for work vs home.
I also have my obsidian task manager synced on both machines so when non work stuff pops into my head, I add it to my list to work on after work in my personal task manager and get back to work.
I have a sacred 30mins at the start of the day to drink a coffee, and review my work task list, and plan what I will do today. From there, I ONLY work on what’s on the list, unless my boss rings me and changes the priority (or equivalent person etc).
As for not getting sucked into these things at all: I just avoid anything non work related while working, until I’ve achieved my list of work deliverables for the day, and finish work…
That works for me, until I have some work related YouTube video or equiv… I had a 4hr YT Shorts spiral the other day, was just lucky it started at 430pm!
I’ve since found that the DuckDuckGo browser let’s me watch YT videos without going to YT, so I don’t get the autoplay trap sprung one when the work related video is finished, which has helped a lot.
Oh, I totally get it… I’ve been in the same place many times (and I’m sure I will be again…)
I just have a policy of trying to support these things whenever I’m able to, otherwise I feel I’m not able to grumble when privacy respecting apps disappear from existence through lack of financial support…
Nah… It’s easy… My previous mk3s+ had hundreds of awwsome PETG hours.