Don’t know man. I have a pretty robust Pixelfed follow/followers lists. I regularly get more likes on PixelFed than IG, I think it’s because my friends don’t get to see my post due to the algorithm. PixelFed’s chronological feed is better, imo.
Don’t know man. I have a pretty robust Pixelfed follow/followers lists. I regularly get more likes on PixelFed than IG, I think it’s because my friends don’t get to see my post due to the algorithm. PixelFed’s chronological feed is better, imo.
Oooh thank you! Hate having my contacts being reliant on google when I switch phones.
Elon slashed twitters’ expenditures too. That lowered the service/experience. Our social contract doesn’t need the same.
The military has spent a good decade now training soldiers to know what an illegal order is and that they best ignore it.
Remember when DWS threatened Obama because he wanted to replace her as DNC chair? I remember.
The Consumer Protection Bureau says “What’s Up?”
I attack defeatist attitudes, for sure.
There is one party that has tangibles that is open to positive change and the structure to implement that change. To toss out the baby with he bathwater is ridiculous. The party isnt useless. It’s influence-able and malleable. So yes, I will discard attitudes of defeat.
That is fucking ridiculous. The woman who flipped was the daughter of an extremely popular state dem.
Greenwashing bastards
The NC Dems just won the Governor, Lt. Governor, Attorneys’ General, Superintendent, NC Supreme Court Seat, and broke the GOP super majority in the state legislature
Government contract money. Our money.
They were probably taking about the Tennessee Valley Authority. It’s a big deal even if you’ve never heard of it.
Just like with bad food it’s only every worth complaining about when you can affect the general business… Not the server helping you.
Good news, frog legs are delicious. But yeh. We’re fucked. I know it. But getting super pissy about every norm and small infraction is just a way to exhaust the public.
We should not point out a single infraction until that broken law is enough to actually spark a national uproar for impeachment. Otherwise we boil the public frog.
Of fucking course it is. Greenwashing is cheaper than work
Seemed to work this year
Unions went for Biden 56/40 in 2020
Unions went for Harris 55/43 in 2024
Dems lost ground and Trump picked up a not a small amount. They are voting against their self interests.
This motherfucker wouldn’t know what it was to serve your country.