• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 7th, 2023

  • I wonder where the results of this research come from.

    Even with a size of 10,000+ people, I would definitely like to see the information on where they live, because that is a massive factor.

    I live in a place with ok (not great but not horrible) public transportation. Problem is, it’s way cheaper for me to drive to work than to take public transportation.

    It costs me 4$ a week in fuel to drive to work. A monthly transit pass is more than 100$. Even with an honored citizen pass which is just under 30$, it’s still cheaper for me to drive to work.

    This doesn’t include other costs from driving obviously in which it would be overall cheaper to take public transit, however it’s overly time consuming just to get to a local store and back home due to a lack of better transit. It would take me almost an hour one way just to go 3 miles to the local grocery store.

    I’m not saying cars are better by any means, but the necessity is very much dependent on where people live, so the data could be skewed simply by that factor alone.

    I lived in mainland Japan for a while, the public transit system is amazing. What also helps is that there are smaller local places where you can simply walk to in order to get groceries or other necessities.

    I wish the US wasn’t stuck in this capitalistic nightmare and just started heavily investing in public transit. Then, in places where transit is fully functional (and reasonable), start pushing an occasional non driving day, with free or reduced fare transit. Anything to slowly integrate public transit systems into people’s daily lives so it isn’t seen as some lower tier form of transport or a hunge inconvenience.

  • Either that or enforce an equal share rule/law.

    All profit recorded by the end of the year must be equally split amongst all employees next year pay increase. No bonuses to any employees regardless of their standing in the company. No stocks, no cutting corners to make it look like there was only losses. No fire/re-hire at a different level, not transfers into a higher paying “position” or any other fucky business.

    If you make a billion in profit, that profit should be used for two purposes, keep the business afloat and provide everyone with an equal share. Like straight up equal. For example, company has 500 employees, makes 500k for the year, needs 250k for standard business expenses, the other 250k gets allocated to the 500 employees salaries.

    It doesn’t seem like a lot but if everyone is at the same level in terms of salary it changes things A LOT.

    That being said it’s not perfect, there will always be someone trying to exploit every loophole. To make more than someone else.

    But I feel like that takes the “investment” (the market) part of things and basically destroys it. Lets get rid of investors for companies that provide basic goods/services. While allowing for the profit to benefit the employees.

  • I’m curious about the stick drift thing.

    I have 3 controllers, two of which I’ve had since maybe 6 months after the PS5 was released since that’s about how long it took me to get one.

    Both controllers have a few hundred hours on them, neither have stick drift. The third one doesn’t have nearly the amount of hours on it since my kid spilled juice on it and I procrastinated for a few months to take it apart and clean it lol so I’m not considering that one.

    Is it really that bad or did I just get lucky? These things are almost 4 years old and still work perfectly fine.

  • Did you read the article?

    He was already a special needs student with an apparently individualized education program. This doesn’t sound like a “Why now?” Situation. It sounds a bit like there may be more going on, especially since the school district declined to answer when questioned about it.

    You may be right that it’s probably not the first sign of aggression but he’s also autistic with other issues. Do you know how expensive it is to get help, how our healthcare/insurance system preys on people to take their money rather than help them, and the likelihood of this family maybe not being able to help more than they already were?

    I feel sorry for the person that he hurt, but this is a mentally ill black kid getting tossed in prison because of a mental illness. Which is going to ruin him just like you said.

    The judge saying he showed no remorse is bs used to paint this kid in the worst light. Well no fucking shit he showed no remorse, if he’s got a bunch of mental problems that would make sense. I knew a kid growing up that was similar, he was extremely strong and even the slightest thing could set him on a rampage. His parents drained everything they had into helping him, but it wasn’t enough. When the insurance stops paying what are you going to do?

    I’m not saying that nothing should be done but there’s more to this than “parents failed the kid with mental disabilities”.

  • Edit: just realized you said US based. Tuta is not US based so that might not work for you. Sorry about that.

    Tutanota (now just Tuta) allows you to use your domain. I use it, it doesn’t support external clients (Outlook, Thunderbird, etc.) but they do have Android, Linux, Windows (maybe Mac too) clients.

    It’s also cheap.

    I’ve been using it for a few years now, it works for me.

    You can get a free account to check it out first and if you like it just upgrade to get the personal domain usage and increased storage limit.

  • Yeah, it sounds like some reform to the process should be made.

    I don’t necessarily disagree with having child welfare involved, just how they handle things might be a bit (or a lot) on the iffy side.

    This is where you get to an impasse though, the procedures are possibly (I say possibly because I don’t know the history there) the way they are because people complained of not getting enough help, so the rules were changed to become more involved to better protect those needing help. Now it’s too much so people are up in arms again.

    So often victims of domestic abuse go back to that situation, whether it be fear, love, pain, or whatever other reason there is. There is a reason for “but we simply don’t trust you to stick to that decision”.

    There isn’t a cut and dry solution to problems like this. It doesn’t really matter which direction they go, there will always be people screaming about not doing enough, or doing too much etc.

    They may be legally required to tell the abuser what is going on… I mean, how can you serve a no contact order without telling the accused.

    There is a ton of work to unfold here, so many things that are in place for a reason, as unreasonable as it may seem. It will always be a work in process with such sensitive situations.

  • I agree with this too, except that last bit. Making a car manual has a near zero affect on people’s use of phones when driving.

    I say this as someone that used to use T9 to text when driving a manual car. Mind you that was 20 ish years ago when I was a stupid teenager, but there really was no difference between manual/automatic and using my phone when driving other than the added step of shifting.

  • Exactly this.

    Just because you wrote your documentation a certain way, doesn’t automatically mean that you feel a certain way about any particular group, or that your users are primarily a certain gender. It may just be writing what pronoun you are most familiar with.

    In this particular case, we can see that the author didn’t exactly make the best case for himself.

    However, there was never a problem to begin with until the person that requested the change also accused the the author of assuming that the user/dev of the OS is male.

    If that little bit of accusation would have been left out, and they just put a note like “grammatical correction” it may have just been accepted and moved on. Instead they asked for a change while accusing the author of feeling a certain way.

  • There literally wasn’t a problem.

    Until the person that asked for the correction literally assumed that said dev was assuming. Since thats what they said in their comment.

    So I can understand being a little pissy at someone pointing to you and accusing you of assuming something. It’s stupid.

    I may have been a little irritated too if someone accused me of assuming something. I wouldn’t have reacted the same, but I would have been clear that I in no way assume anything related to gender identity.

    If the person wouldn’t have put that assumption into their comment, the change may have been more likely to happen.

    Instead they assumed something and got push back which turned into the scene we see now.

    Ass u me… I mean it’s pretty clear.