They were already bad enough, you didn’t have to do this.
Can confirm, still suck at every PDX game despite a thousand or hundreds of hours in them.
The issue is that when I have a lot of good energy it means I’m actually able to do, and enjoy, fun things, where normally I might be unable.
I think it’s still a very real issue, even if it’s less of one than it used to be. I haven’t seen any phones or monitors with burn-in in person, but the only OLED monitor I see on a regular basis is my own, and phone screens pose less risk of burn-in in general, since they’re not getting used continuously for 8+ hours a day, nearly every day.
My partner and I just use big backpacks, easier than having to hold heavy bags in hand, especially since we don’t drive.
I mean, it takes a minute at most to change the device’s time, so I don’t mind doing it.
This is why roguelikes that are actually closer to Rogue are called traditional roguelikes these days.
Doesn’t matter. It’s still going to be the same Ubisoft formula. It’s a shame as well because the potential is always there but they’re too afraid to actually innovate, not even considering the actual QA issues.
Would love to see a graph, the annual amount probably increased exponentially.
I honestly sometimes wish I wouldn’t experience dreams. Most of them are bad, and the few good ones usually make me yearn for something I don’t and can’t have.
You can’t make this shit up lmao.
Oh yeeees. TBATE is one of my favourite webcomics.
We’ll see.
Jokes? In my Lemmy community? >:(
I sometimes trip over nothing, even when I’m not running for my fucking life.
Transparency? Disgusting. I should be free to abuse my powers without peasants knowing, it’s my god given right!
Yes, especially given these tumultuous times we live in, I much prefer anything that reinforces cooperation, rather than pitting us against one another.
I’m somehow not surprised.