To be honest I do not see any reason to use Lineage with Pixel while there is GrapheneOS… But maybe there will be some users of it: it is always better to have more free open OS
I am a software engineer living and working in Belgrade, Serbia. My hobbies contain a lot of things including cycling, bikepacking, photography and quantum computations.
All the photos in my posts are made by myself (if not specified other) and are shared under CC-BY 4.0.
To be honest I do not see any reason to use Lineage with Pixel while there is GrapheneOS… But maybe there will be some users of it: it is always better to have more free open OS
Does anyone know a good alternative for Hypatia?
As I understood, the main concern is that such a hyper fast eye gaze is similar to the psychosis and social anxiety disorder where individuals hold irrational beliefs or preoccupations with the idea of being watched.
Our finding that sensory processing of gaze direction is facilitated by the act of being watched is consistent with evidence suggesting top-down cognition can influence the earliest stages of gaze processing (Teufel et al. 2009). Also, eye-tracking studies indicate that a social presence can significantly alter where attention is allocated (Risko and Kingstone 2011, Nasiopoulos et al. 2015). In light of our findings, an enhanced and specific allocation of attentional resources towards self-relevant social information seems plausible. Importantly, our results rule out that being watched leads to a non-specific attentional boost, as non-face stimuli did not benefit from this effect; instead, our results support the idea that this is a specific effect directed towards face information. This is consistent with clinical observations of social-specific attentional biases and a hyper-sensitivity to eye gaze in mental health conditions like psychosis and social anxiety disorder where individuals hold irrational beliefs or preoccupations with the idea of being watched (Rosse et al. 1994, Hooker and Park 2005, Corlett et al. 2009, Tso et al. 2012, Langer and Rodebaugh 2013, Chen et al. 2017, Langdon et al. 2017, Stuke et al. 2021). Future investigations should explore in detail the effects of surveillance and the sense of privacy on public mental health, as these can have profound social implications (Aboujaoude 2019).
It is a good question who are “authorities” on the occupied territories. It looks like for Meta authorities are the occupation force. How people should free themselves from the occupation forces?
For me gnome apps are not “lightweight” and work fine only all together (Evolution + gnome-contacts + other gnome tools)
The benefit is digital privacy. It is especially important at the modern time when every financial org is greedy collecting data about it’s customers and trying to monetize it. A good alternative for cash (cash is private too because allows to hide the destination of my spendings). Why digital privacy is not a valid use?
I’m missing a lightweight (not like Thunderbird) contacts app, that can work with CardDAV and allow me to see, search and edit my contacts.
For me an AI topic is the hottest
And that is very strange for me. Under the news about AI-search from OpenAI I asked about comparison with AI-search from Kagi, but got a lot of downvotes and a link to the post where the author express his negative opinion about AI.
My question was about benefits of openai search compared to kagi search. How is this link related to my question?
What are benefits of using openai search when we already have Kagi that is much more privacy a friendly, is ads free and provides the same functionality?
What do you think, how long should we wait until the overflow in the debts database makes the value negative?
I think it can be done like a NFTs on top of Bitcoin. In this case evey archived page is NFT and all the blockchain is available, so there is no centralized cite. If each action will require some computations (PoW) then ddos attack or spam attack will be very hard to implement.
I think that proof-of-work approach to blockchain can make ddos attacks much harder, but I’m not an expert too :)
Sounds like a potential application for a blockchain techs, that allows to do verifications, voting and consensus.
It supports via GMS sandbox. So, I can install google camera, maps, bank app, insta360 app, an app for my bike computer, etc. But in that case I prefer to use Proton VPN that hides my real IP from all these apps and also block some tracker endpoints.
I have Pixel with GrapheneOS and I tried most of FOSS camera apps, but all of them are still far behind the GCam. I hope one day there will be a good replacement, but not today.
I’m using Organic / OsmAnd for most of use cases and daily navigation. But if you need to find a specific office, shop, food or ATM nearby you still need GMap from time to time…
And for the latter problem, don’t use such apps except in closed environments or without internet access.
While that is a right answer, I do not want to avoid such apps because I need them. I need my mobile bank app, I need google camera, sometimes I need Google maps, etc. For me using VPN to hide my real IP from greedy apps and to hide DNS requests from the cracked public WiFi is still a good tradeoff between security, privacy and my own user experience.
But most spots don’t have the resources or expertise to analyze and sell or otherwise misuse your logs.
Most spots don’t have also the resources or expertise to secure their own spot. As I remember, cheap routers used in public places may contain a lot of vulnerabilities.
encrypted DNS
Will it help me if I’m using LbreTorrent do download piracy content on my phone? Or how it would help me to hide my location from mobile apps that extract location from IP?
Deepseek collects and process all the data you sent to their LLN even from API calls. It is a no-go for most of businesses applications. For example, OpenAI and Anyhropic do not collect or process anyhow data sent via API and there is an opy-ouy button in their settings that allows to avoid processing of the data sent via UI.