Picasso’s “Massacre in Korea” Depicting US War Crimes in the Korean War (The description here is dogshit, the massacre was committed by the US forces and not “with the help of North Korea” as it claims. Also the description says “although the actual cause of the murders in Sinchon is in question, Massacre in Korea appears to depict them as civilians being killed by anti-Communist forces” like yeah I wonder why the DPRK has a museum depicting and mourning the deaths and the ROK doesn’t. “In question” my fucking ass.)
Picasso’s “Massacre in Korea” Depicting US War Crimes in the Korean War (The description here is dogshit, the massacre was committed by the US forces and not “with the help of North Korea” as it claims. Also the description says “although the actual cause of the murders in Sinchon is in question, Massacre in Korea appears to depict them as civilians being killed by anti-Communist forces” like yeah I wonder why the DPRK has a museum depicting and mourning the deaths and the ROK doesn’t. “In question” my fucking ass.)