Funny way to misspell vim
Male 18-year-old FOSS and GNU/Linux activist and user
Funny way to misspell vim
Not everything revolves around money. It is a hobby, in the first place.
It’s not allowed with books
Have you ever heard of the mysterious places called “libraries”? IA does not “republish” anything, it is an archive.
Why? It is finally time to cripple the Iranian regime. Iran has a horrible government that does not treat its citizens (especially women) much better than slaves. Those abhorrent people of Iran’s leadership cannot get access to nuclear weapons under any circumstances.
Hezbollah are actual terrorists and proxies of Iran. There is no way any sane person can side with them. Their followers will gladly terrorise Europe and Israel as a “punishment”. The world will be a better place without Hezbollah, and it may finally mean freedom for the Lebanese and peaceful sleep for the Israelis.
Zurabishvili vetoed that bill, but the ruling party overrode her opposition and promulgated it
I don’t know anything about Georgia’s political system. How can the parliament speaker sign the bill into law without the president? How can the government override her opposition? With a super strong majority?
One of 8.22% 🥰
That’s some weird 120° though. I guess 0° is the cake lying face down?
Blender can absolutely be great at creating precise geometry, one just needs to know how to properly use the tool. Yes, the workflow will be much different than in other CAD, but principally, Blender is just as good as any other, or even better due to a more extensive development history and greater degree of maturity.
Prusa is a very FOSS-friendly manufacturer. Their entire slicer and the firmware for all of their printers are free and open-source. And they make really high-quality 3D printers. With 500€ you should be able to get the Mini, though getting the larger flagship MK4S may pay off more in the long run.
Did you write this yourself? Amazing! Star Trek and GNU/Linux cross-wet dream
Thank you for the strong counterargument <3 /s
In what world are you living where 10 A is on the low side for general-purpose electronics?
Yep, for better or worse, Intel is pretty much the only remaining Western “bleeding-edge” CPU designer manufacturing its products in its own fabs. I find it weird that so many people seem to root for Intel to fail.
Von denen, die 2015 als Geflüchtete herkamen, waren 2022 64 Prozent erwerbstätig.
Na ja, ich bin überzeugter Sozialdemokrat und vermutlich die letzte Person, die man rechts nennen könnte. Aber ist 64% nicht ein wenig niedrig, vor allem unter der Annahme, dass die meisten Geflüchteten recht jung waren?
Vielleicht sollten wir den Wandel im Migrationskurs (der nicht neu ist, sondern schon seit 2021 durch die Ampel signalisiert wurde) nicht als “Rechtsabbiegen” bezeichnen, sondern als eine vernünftige Neubewertung in anderen Zeiten? Es ist wahr, dass es unfassbar schwierig ist, Straftäter abzuschieben, insbesondere, wenn diese bei der Einreise oder danach ihren Pass “verloren” haben und keine Nationalität mehr eindeutig nachzuweisen ist.
Menschen, die Asyl benötigen, können nach geltendem internationalen Recht legal anreisen und ihren Antrag stellen. Einen Aufenthalt durch eine illegale Einreise zu erzwingen ist nicht okay und hat nichts mit Links oder Rechts zu tun.
Yep, gun culture is really big in Switzerland
Unix is literally the most important operating system (specification) family on the planet. Even bigger than M$ Windows. You’ve got all the Android phones, all the Apple iPhones, macOS, FreeBSD and all the GNU/Linux distributions. Unix-like installed base is by far the largest of any on the planet.
Yep. They tried desperately to build up an IT economy and for that wanted to appease all the tech companies.
But that is not the comparison they drew, and you know that.
Where did you get that from? Why should Lemmy be hostile to that? We often get posts about donating to valuable projects and such.