yeah, proper facepalm there… hello Winsucks Recall…
yeah, proper facepalm there… hello Winsucks Recall…
That falls under convenience. Getting others to leave corporate bullshit malware and/or spyware takes effort (and I know very well how frustrating it is). Personally I refuse to use discord or FascistApp (I guess with the recent policy changes that name is warranted) etc with all the implications that it has.
Been using matrix since forever :) But the dissing of shitty corporate centralized applications is necessary because way too many naive users still give their data away for convenience.
Fuck discord. Proprietary spyware. That shit isn’t getting on my computer anytime ever.
You might not be enough grammar OCDya :p
“got ya” or “gotcha” - make up your mind :D Although “got it” would be better here. From my non-native speaker understanding, “got ya” is more like “I got what you are saying”, whereas “gotcha” is more commonly used as “I got you there” - as in “I played a prank/practical joke on you and you fell for it”.
But this might just be something that varies with regional preference, or even from speaker group to speaker group.
Thank you. Fuck that piece of shit.
Censorship = not showing things to people even though they want to see these things. If a group of people who believe that LGBT people are mentally ill are talking to each other about these beliefs, then preventing them from doing so is censorship, it doesn’t make the platform a more welcoming place because the people it would make feel unwelcome weren’t seeing it anyway.
That is a very weird explanation / example.
Hiding abuse from the targets but letting the abusers talk freely is a concept by morons for morons. Once could say that people who generalize that “LGBTQ [you forgot a Q there] people are mentally ill” are mentally ill themselves. Anyone thinking that it is okay to make a judgement about a group of people based on their gender identity should probably see a therapist themselves because they are definitely NOT NORMAL.
Let me shorten your wording to make my next question clear:
if you do not want to read X, then none of us should have to
How does that make sense? I actually don’t get what you are trying to say. Are you advocating censorship as in “rules should be global”?
The point of moderation is: If companies make profit providing a social platform, they should be the ones leveraging the effort to keep illegal contents off their platform. Also, it provides a legal path for making them responsible for their contents (if they fail to moderate).
Censorship - leaving all questionable aspects aside - puts the efforts entirely on the censoring party (typically a state entity). And while I am definitely not arguing in favor of censorship, I absolutely object to investing a single tax Euro into censoring (or moderating) privately owned for-profit social media.
Now to your first point:
[…] whether this policy change of Meta’s is a good thing or bad thing. The rules there are as arbitrary as anywhere else on the Internet; this slight shift does not make much of a difference.
Please call the stupid incel pieces of shit what they are - Facebook assholes. because fuck them, and they are not entitled to telling us how to call those useless wastes of oxygen. Meta is a word, it has a meaning, and it has nothing to do with the Facebook assholes. Least of all Fuckerberg.
To the point: This policy change is evil as it gets. They explicitly invite hatred targeted against people based on sexual orientation or gender identity. There is no grey area here, this is evil, period. And thanks to the new fascist administration divided states of southern northern america, it will succeed, business wise. But I still get to spit into the face of every person who uses their platform anyways.
You are an idiot.(*)
(*)See anything wrong with that statement? Think an order of magnitude worse and directed at minorities who already are targeted with hate, and you have the reason why such policies must exist.
This has strong “let’s enshrine and cement rules that help only us while our fascist team has the lead” vibes.
Sorry sweetie, I can’t help you with the crazy inside your head. says the state was established in May 1948 and the Israeli citizenship law was commenced in July 1952. Not sure what you are on about there.
The west don’t want jews to live among us, they want them in the middle east to fulfill our colonial interests.
That generalization sounds not so smart. Most people have no problem with people of jewish faith (or origins), hence statistics about antisemitism being worrying when they reach > 10% in the civilized world. Furthermore, there are no “our colonial interests”, only governments and big corporations have ever had such, and they were competing, they did not have mutual “colonial interests”.
Furthermore, the contemporary Israel administration is very much capable to be the villains themselves.
You really just sound like an under-informed over-agitated naive person who compensates little understanding with more opinions.
that made more sense, but I still don’t understand how you meant
when you use the jews as cannonfodders in the middle east
Unfortunately - as someone who lived there for a few years - half the Netherlands at least partially agrees with his racist gobbledigook.
That didn’t make sense.
He wasn’t alive for the Holocaust, dummy. Or he’d have been tried at Nürnberg (Nuremberg).
After having used reddit until the API changes, lemmy seems way too civilized ;) No biggie, have a good day!
Damnit that is funny