Would it be possible to have this poster printed? i’d like to hang this in my kitchen.
Would it be possible to have this poster printed? i’d like to hang this in my kitchen.
That is really nice.
Wasn’t expecting that.
I would gladly give you those eggs, if I was able to.
That is a basic human right. Let’s at least have a small sliver of respect.
But Kinder eggs are fair game.
Egg vending machine? That sounds interesting.
deleted by creator
Regardless of imaginary lines drawn on maps, we’re all human and we’re on the same rock, crusing through space.
Local egg farm. These are large eggs and then I have a tray of extra large eggs. They treat really well their chickens.
Per the picture, of you have a death wish.
But spread the anti-fascist virus, please.
Good to know! Spread the news!
Discreet vandalism. I like it.
But how come duck eggs may kill you?
I was stupid and there was no video surveillance on the plot. The next coop will be a fortress.
You know, this is one those situations where we make others laugh out some other’s misery. We shield ourselves behind arguments like “they played themselves into it”, etc.
But I’m the one be laughed at. Me and any one seeing any humour in seeing another human being suffer because nobody took heed of what was to come.
I sincerely hope you get rid of that dictator as soon as possible and in the most spectacular show of force you can devise. And don’t be afraid to call for help.
Your neighbours keep their hens inside or are they allowed to roam free?
Because chickens will gladly trespass, forage around, and casually leave an egg behind.
Still nothing…
Hey, but I’ll take you word for! Enough effort was put forwaed already.
Beautiful! What breed?
My friend, comrade, brother, sister, fellow primate: you are a poet of sensory disaster and I sincerely applaud you.
I just finished dinner and I felt the need to go wash my mouth with brown Listerine.