When I die I hope it’s doing 2 of my favourite activities- sitting and doing nothing.

Also available here- @quinacridone@mander.xyz

  • 19 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: January 16th, 2022


  • Totally agree…

    I’ve been using mint for the last 4 years, and while I have had to use the command line for some obscure installs, it also works as an OS without needing to use it (i jumped in at the deep end and installed it in a pc I got from my brother and used it as my everyday OS)

    I don’t understand why Mint isn’t the first suggestion for Linux ‘virgins’ switching over from Windows etc, it has everything you need pre installed plus the download manager for anything else

    Linux has a flavour for everyone, and after a while when you’re confidence and skills grow there is the fun of using the command line and a bit of tinkering…or not, if you are happy with the ‘basics’

  • I don’t normally comment on news posts, but in this instance, FUCK CANCER

    Fuck cancer for stealing my brother from me, and for taking half my bf’s lung

    I seriously hopes this works for everyone out there living with this disease, and for their families, friends, the people who love them…

    …and also for everyone who has died too soon and missed their chance for survival. Their donation of tissue samples and furthering the cancer research that ultimately wouldn’t help them, but will help the poor bastards that are diagnosed today and in the future…It is bitter sweet

    Fuck cancer

  • a certain ‘labor of love’ needs to be involved

    You are not wrong! I think I must be mental sometimes, but it can be good fun discovering new things and then sharing them…

    I really like her work, I posted last week some of her cityscapes of Manchester, which is interesting to see the ordinary and mundane of somewhere you know immortalized in art. I’ve got some others of hers which I’ll probably share next week

    Also thanks for the tip regarding the code to expand images, it would be nice if the developers added a nice easy button to click to do it for me, but it’s something I can remember to do, like all the other minor things that help when making a post (it’s a learning process)

    Cheers! 😀

    edit, I’ve just tried it out on one of my posts on mander, it works really well!