As the former owner of an E36 and then an E90 I can tell you that the more modern ones still piss oil just as badly. And the consequences can be much worse (read: expensive) to boot.
As the former owner of an E36 and then an E90 I can tell you that the more modern ones still piss oil just as badly. And the consequences can be much worse (read: expensive) to boot.
Because the industrial base for producing critical things like ammunition is nearly nonexistent. Despite USA and European arms support Ukraine has been permanently shell-starved for the entire course of the war. Three years later, even after spinning up some new production, Ukraine’s allies still don’t make enough shells to get anywhere close to 1:1 with what the Russians fire at them (and that was before North Korea started supplying the Russians)
The invasion of Ukraine has made it crystal clear that Europe’s military industrial base is utterly incapable of responding to an actual peer conflict on their own soil, let alone providing a deterrent to wars of expansion outside of it. It would be foolish not to be investing in sovereign military capability in today’s world.
Read slower. It was decarbed. The conversion is never perfect, and given that there are much better options available for mushroom induced experiences I would highly dissuade anyone from macro dosing A. muscaria
It might not be the 😵 kind of poison but it is absolutely the 🤮 kind of poison, even when decarbed. I’d describe it as 🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮😵💫🤮😵💫🤮😵💫🤮😵💫😴😴😴 and definitely not 🤤 at any point.
As someone who does hit the gym, in my experience the majority of people you’re impressing with your physique are men. Sure I’d say most women like it if you have it (assuming you aren’t too big), but generalising that it’s the main attraction would be a mistake.
I’ve had two different arch based distros have issues when trying to update after long periods. I also had an Ubuntu server fail completely when doing a major version upgrade and had to restore it from backup. But then again I’ve also had no trouble updating an Ubuntu machine that was a couple years behind.
I’m on Fedora now for my desktop and it’s been great so far, but I also do updates at least weekly. My advice would be if you expect to go months between updates your best choice is probably Debian.
I’ve only been fully on Linux for about 4-5 months, but am yet to experience any issues on Fedora KDE with Wayland. Previously while I was distrohopping I was having a bit of a rough time but since settling on Fedora and with Plasma 6 it has been smooth sailing.
I’m using an AMD 5700X/B550m and RX 6700 XT. Also with two mismatched 1440p displays (different refresh rates).
You may know this already from the Steam Deck, but I highly recommend installing protonup-qt which will enable you to install the glorious eggroll versions of Proton. A lot of game cutscenes don’t work with vanilla proton but will with ProtonGE.
Really not good enough from AMD. I wonder if Intel wasn’t a complete dumpster fire right now if they would still cut off the fix at Zen 3 (I doubt it). There’s really no reason not to issue a fix for these other than they don’t want to pay the engineers for the time to do it, and they think it won’t cost them any reputational damage.
I hate that every product and company sucks so hard these days.
This isn’t the first time such a vulnerability has been found, have you forgotten spectre/meltdown? Though this is arguably not nearly as impactful as those because it requires physical access to the machine.
Your fervour in trying to paint this as an equivalent problem to Intel’s 13th and 14th gen defects, and implication that everyone else are being fanboys, is just telling on yourself mate. Normal people don’t go to bat like that for massive corpos, only Kool aid drinkers.
Crowdstrike bypassed WHQL because the update was not to the driver, it was to a configuration file that then gets ingested by the driver. It’s deliberate so they can push out updates for developing threats without being slowed down by the WHQL process.
And that means when they decide to just send it on a Friday with a buggy config file, nobody is responsible but Crowdstrike.
Last I checked hexbear had something like 70% more total comments than despite only having a tiny fraction of the users. Sounds like bots to me
The thing he replied to is a modified copypasta, it was made as a joke
Hydrogen, even with fuel cell/electric, is not suitable for rural car owners. It’s only really suitable for vehicles that are constantly running, like freight trucks. Why? Because hydrogen leaks out of any vessel you try to put it in. It’s the smallest element in the universe so it slips past the molecules of whatever sealing material you are using. It will even permeate through solid metal, making said metal brittle in the process. And this problem of course gets worse at higher pressures, which you have to use to get any energy density.
So not only do you have to contend with the terrible efficiency loss of using electricity to create hydrogen only to turn it back into electricity again, a whole bunch of your fuel is constantly leaking out during transport and storage. And then if you use cryogenic hydrogen for the best energy density it gets worse again because you can’t keep it cold enough. It’s constantly boiling off and has to be vented to prevent your tank from exploding.
So even if you solve all the myriad other implementation problems with hydrogen, you’re never escaping the fact that you need to use all your fuel quickly or you’re setting money on fire as it leaks. Not to mention potentially getting stuck because you didn’t drive your car for a few days and now you don’t have the fuel to reach a fill station.
Hence why, if it ever matures enough to become actually viable, it will almost certainly be limited to freight and courier type vehicles. They run near constantly and so burn through fuel fast enough that the leakage isn’t an issue.