• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • “We don’t want this for our country,” he said of Democratic policies. “That’s why I’m doing this. I don’t like doing this.”

    Donald Trump on running for president: ‘I don’t like doing this’

    Which one is it?

    I’m sick of words being twisted for clicks and narrative enforcement. It’s clear, as this article has quoted him, that he’s doesn’t like what Democratic policies have done to the country and that he needs to run for president to fix them. He is not saying he doesn’t want to be president.

    I’m tired of the lack of reading comprehension among grown adults across this increasingly stupid country.

    Can we please vote this fucker out of relevancy so we can get back to human progress?

  • 🤔 which is more news worthy:
    1 - the chairman of the house judiciary committee tweeted a picture of trump hugging a kitten and a duck.
    2 - a member of the committee calling him out and asking if he’s okay because he posted the picture.
    3 - The claim that “aliens are eating pets”.

    The origin of the claim that Haitians are eating pets in Ohio appears to stem from right-wing media accounts running with a Fox News story about an Ohio woman named Allexis Telia Ferrell, who was arrested for allegedly killing and eating a cat. The report about the lone woman sparked claims that Haitians are kidnapping people’s pets and eating them.

  • local news being owned by news conglomerates

    Yeah - I’ve watched the Sinclair segment. I recognize that but that’s not the case everywhere. More troubling is how local newspapers are struggling and going out of business. I’m in Philadelphia where we still have decent locally-owned and/or operated journalism.

    I’m not sure how the lawsuit would go down but I’d be open to whatever it takes to make the right changes. Perhaps the threat of digging into city coffers is precisely why nothing has happened in forty years. It’s already costing tax payers millions of dollars every year to not recycle. I’d support millions to hold people accountable and make the needed changes if that means saving us money down the road.

  • I don’t even have vibration on. The display will turn on to show notifications but the vast majority of the time my phone is in another room on the charger. I even leave it at home some times.

    I’ve had trouble listening to podcasts while I’m home doing other things. Perhaps I should try audio books and sitting down to do nothing but that. Generally, I don’t like audio books for a bunch of reasons but they could be applicable for this issue. Thanks for the suggestion.

  • Dude. It’s been 40 years.

    I didn’t say news conglomerates. I said investigative news agencies - meaning the local news.

    At some point over the past forty years, someone in government and someone at a local news paper has known there was a conspiracy. These people need to be held accountable. They’re the ones who have cost tax payers hundreds of millions of dollars.

    Granted, I may be giving too much credit to local government. I don’t think most voters in the country care very much about electing people smart enough to put two and two together.

    What I have such a hard time with is that people like yourself are so quick to excuse gullibility. The big powerful plastic company promised us it would be okay. Why would anyone dare question them or their motives? The fossil fuel company certainly has the public and the environment at their best interests. So many people are so quick to shrug and say “not my fault”. Did you even attempt to ask questions or were you afraid that knowing the truth would be bad for your administration?

  • I would sooner hold out local municipalities who run the recycling centers and our investigative news agencies for not clearly informing the public that recycling plastic has not been the ecological solution we’ve been promised.

    I mean, sure, the plastic producers lied but the recyclers have known about it this entire time too. How this has been such a secret for decades may suggest some deeper conspiracy.

    And, if it’s the case that our governments were genuinely unable to know this was an issue, we should be more critical of them for not knowing what other outside agencies are fooling them into using tax-payer dollars against our best interests.

  • You may consider getting some labs done. I was deficient in B12 and found taking vitamins did help a bit. Cutting out / back on carbs and beer helps even more.

    Not to entirely discount depression, but I have the opinion that we’ve become so addicted to a life of instantaneous everything that even brief moments of nothing happening can feel like withdrawal.

    One suggestion: instead of regularly turning off your phone, just permanently put it in silent mode. Really consider what you must know immediately (for me it’s family phone calls) and allow only those notifications to come through. Everything else can wait for you to find the time to get to them.

    I also struggle with this so I’m interested in the conversation. I love to read but have a really hard time choosing a book over television. I’m mindful of “blue light” and try to stop using any screen at all after 8pm but that can be difficult if I just want to unwind after a long day. People did it before tv though. I think maybe a less fulfilling life, or life fulfilled less, may actually be more healthy.