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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • novibe@lemmy.mltoSocialism@lemmy.mlClass Solidarity
    16 days ago

    And it’s been happening for decades already! Like it never stopped. We put the fear of god into their hearts in the 19th and early 20th centuries, and they never recovered.

    A special armed squad to protect capital was born because they understand class war even better than most current leftists.

    Even after they “won” they just doubled down because unlike working class libs, they know class war will not end until one or all of us are done for.

  • novibe@lemmy.mltoSocialism@lemmy.mlClass Solidarity
    16 days ago

    Except no? The capitalist class historically bands together to fight possible revolutions and the working class 100% of the time. They are more class conscious, meaning they understand their position better, and start working to protect it sooner than the working class can perceive the class conflict escalating.

    Just look at what’s happening right now! The far-right is rising all over the “west”, worker protection laws are being eroded, pensions “reformed”.

    It’s undeniable the capitalist class is much more united and organized. It doesn’t matter if they’ll or do stab each other in the back behind the scenes.

    They have a natural sense for “democratic centralism” it seems, cause their outward actions are always united against us.

  • We need to define consciousness here…

    To me everything you describe is related to the mind. Not consciousness.

    To me consciousness is the observer of the mind, not the mind.

    Like, what is “sensing” your thoughts? What is “behind” the mind’s eyes?

    That’s consciousness.

    And it IS universal. It’s indivisible and eternal (doesn’t change).

    Your observer is always neutrally observing. All judgments and shifts happen in the mind. Which the consciousness just observes.

  • novibe@lemmy.mltoCommunism@lemmy.mlProtestation
    26 days ago

    Tell me you have no understanding of history…

    Putin was handpicked by Yeltsin. Yeltsin was the first president of Russia. He bombed the Russian congress because the people elected the communist party to the majority of the seats and they were going to reinstate communism.

    When the USSR was dissolved 80% of the people in all republics (on average) wanted to keep the union going. It was dissolved undemocratically.

    Yeltsin was a US puppet. When he was too drunk to continue running the nascent mob republic of Russia, that was opening up to western capitalists to ravage the state enterprises and natural resources, he handpicked Putin to keep the show going.

    Putin was very friendly with Clinton and the euro neolibs. He tried joining NATO several times.

    And he does NOT long for communism? What are you talking about. He is super anti-communist. He longs more for the Russian Empire, that was toppled by the communists…

    But yes you are right. Most people in Putin’s generation do long for the USSR. Because they had objectively better lives under communism.

    The fall of the USSR was the single most devastating event for quality of life in human history. Life expectancy dropped by 20 years in most republics. Unemployment and homelessness (which didn’t exist at all before) skyrocketed. Inflation was the worst ever. All national services were dismantled and sold for pennies to the friends of the new regimes (all allied with the US and west).

    My friend just read a bit before spewing bullshit. I know this is just the internet and it doesn’t really matter. But it’s just embarrassing to repeat the most tired bullshit anti-communist lines over and over.

  • novibe@lemmy.mltoCommunism@lemmy.mlProtestation
    27 days ago

    It was forced upon the people and millions died, became homeless, lost their jobs etc. it was the largest decrease in quality of life in human history. Quite violent if you ask me.

    Like Yeltsin had to bomb the Russian congress because the communist party won the elections and was going to take over again lmao