rediit refugee seeking a fabled utopia
there is a relevant xkcd comic showing the heat of the earth since humans have been able to record it…the last half inch is humans…
i am not armed. I would have the moral high ground as I fall to it…
when life is considered within the gradations of hierarchy…
…in 5, 4, 3, what? who cancelled the countdown? /s
didn’t we, i of course mean the people who showed up, vote for this very kind of behaviour in the last presidential election? what’s sauce for the goose…
zoidberg smells better…
ecitrors, what can i say?
there was a time, not too long ago, when ‘news’ organizations had ‘editors’ and ‘editorial staff’ who poured over every article and decided if it should be published…but i digress
to everyone downvoting this…look in the fucking mirror.
shitposting is different here, it doesn’t seem to be degrading, but…they are coming…
there is a movement, they will soon learn…hahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhah ahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahah
of all things to deride…fuck this guy
as a diagnosed clinical depresseee, when they told me I was on the spectrum, suddenly my life made sense and my therapy changed for the better…i’m 45…
…i have walked through the looking glass…/i wish it were s
vote!!! vote!!! vote!!! It takes longer to excise the poison than to administer!!!
YESSIR!!! all we need is a little more civililzed discussion about how to squeeze the citizenry just a little bit more cause we wouldn’t want the world to see how awful our family really is… /s?