• 9 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: May 14th, 2024


  • they discard the decoys when they’re given the transactions of interest, this lets them know that this transaction they saw on their node actually comes from that subphoenable entity (centralised exchange), from there they have the list of transactions that went through and they can rule out the dandelion decoys. but otherwise they can’t.

    I also mentionned that they are looking at the fee structure on their malicious nodes, hence my recommendation to use the default fees. not sure if they’re actually using the rest. (number of inputs and outputs ?)

  • it’s not complicated, make sure that anonymity is maintained for all developers (like they do all their work from inside a whonix VM let’s say), and that you have copies of all the important monero mirrors somewhere (on a gitea instance accessible via .onion or something similar), in case if monero gets the tornadocash treatment.

    that way they can’t go after the developers’ freedom of speech, and even if they take the repositories down from github, the show can go on elsewhere.

    i’ll pitch in to advise people if opsec is brought up

  • haveno is in early stages anyway, but yea the more noob friendly it becomes, the better. Something is “”“hard”“” to install when you do not explain how to install it properly.

    Currently there’s a way to install it on every OS, that’s good enough for now. Also keep in mind that there aren’t 20 dedicated developers working on haveno fulltime, you can’t have everything at once with a small team of developers

  • yea tor and monero go hand in hand, but even over tor. take mr fed going to that farmer store over tor paying in monero, at some point he has to get his vegetables physically, where he can identify who the farmer is (cant just send food by mail i guess ?)

    if the farmer has to retain his anonymity, he needs a way to send his vegetables anonymously to the buyer