Interesting, it might be just different or depend on what sense is more dominant. I can feel imaginary smells, but never felt imaginary taste.
Interesting, it might be just different or depend on what sense is more dominant. I can feel imaginary smells, but never felt imaginary taste.
Last time I had a problem with ceph losing data was during 0.10, does it still happen?
I had great experience with garage at first, but it crapped itself after a month, it was like half a year ago and the problem was fixed, still left me with a bit of anxiety.
Gluster is shit really bad, garage and minio are great. If you want something tested and insanely powerful go with ceph, it has everything. Garage is fine for smaller installations, and it’s very new and not that stable yet.
They will get killed, somehow you forgot that both world wars were waged in europe with tens of millions dead. Benevolent overlords of today will quickly return to genocidal masters of yesterday.
Nobody even asks for phones as thin as usb allows.
feral worker
You fail to realize that rich countries with a lot of resources now will become even more rich and they aren’t going anywhere. Yes they will lay down and die, causing minimal discomfort to people in rich countries.
It won’t be great but it countries that are rich now will be fine-ish. Anyway there is no off-the-cliff, nations and states won’t disappear, so whatever grudges we collect will go with us into the future.
Climate change will affect other countries a lot more then it will affect europe and us. So no it won’t stop anything.
I think nexus/stc tries to become a new one, you can upload to annas archive or another smaller library.
There is a name for people that will support whoever as long as they dislike US and the “west”.
Sci-hub is dead, there is ro access still, but that’s it.
I need
It’s just fun to play with, there is no “need”.
Soviets also renamed their empire, so what.
Well, empire building, world belongs to us views, untouchable elites that only fear the czar, extreme inequality between elites/proles. Looks pretty sovietuniony to me.
Of course they didn’t seed. Fucking leeches.
They aren’t just general purpose tools like tesseract are, they can be additionally trained to recognize handwritten text to become much-much better at their task. For example my kobo reader has builtin offline ocr and it works incredible, almost too good.
Also I can’t recognize half of the text as well. 😄
the People have spoken
clapping intensifies