I caught the drift an took it. No harm, no foul.
But I actually knew a few blokes that had that type of facial hair. Can you imagine that short, three days growth, but manicured to look nice? It was nicknamed the carpet burn on some circles.
I caught the drift an took it. No harm, no foul.
But I actually knew a few blokes that had that type of facial hair. Can you imagine that short, three days growth, but manicured to look nice? It was nicknamed the carpet burn on some circles.
Hair conditioner. I can’t grow a beard to save my life but those I know that can swear by it.
Dude… you have a nasty pokey beard or one of those wiry mustaches capable of gouging an eyeball? If so, she could, but maybe she shouldn’t.
Testing your fate, there.
Uh, people?
Have you ever met a baker that was angry?
That’s why.
How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if the wood chuck could chuck Chuck Norris?
That is the question.
I’m pretty forgetful, I’m afraid.
I just browsed that community and I can only say it is not for me. Even in roleplaying I have hard limits and the setting for that community just crosses every single one.
Uh? Quem?
Exactly. But I risk more than an handful of women endured it.