Solid argument. Go you.
Solid argument. Go you.
I mean, you lead with “logging out is hard so I have no choice but to have a single user”. I countered with “it’s not hard, we do it just fine, here are mechanics that make it fairly easy”.
If you don’t understand that closing the tv app stops showing the tv app I’m not sure how to help you.
I have been using a single Apple TV in a multi-user home for many years, I think you’re overselling the difficulty here. Virtually every app will just ask you what user profile you want to use when the app opens; and when you’re done, closing the app is simple.
It’s far more obnoxious to need to browse every single app for their content rather than having a single unified watch list and closing an app when you’re done.
Apple provides a system for apps to expose their shows to the TV app; effectively every app other than Netflix uses that system but Netflix intentionally removed themselves from it.
Which effectively removed Netflix from my viewing habits because I use the TV app to manage all of my other apps/subscriptions, and because Netflix doesn’t show up I never consume their content. I still think it was a really stupid move on the part of Netflix.
Yeah this strikes me as safeguarding against a possible bad decision.
No, who said there was a relationship?
A compound key is a composite key where one or both sides can be foreign keys to other tables themselves; it’s a safe assumption this is probably true in a large data set like social security. A composite key is a candidate key (a uniquely identified key) made up of more than one column.
This basically means that there is a finite number of available SSNs because they’re only 10 digits long and someone intends to recycle SSNs after the current user of one dies. Linking it to birthday is “unique enough” as to never recur.
Because a simple query would have shown that SSN was a compound key with another column (birth date, I think), and not the identifier he thinks it is.
“Words aren’t dangerous” is one of the greatest misnomers of all time. Words have, repeatedly throughout human history, demonstrably been the catalyst for action.
Normalizing hate speech is a signal that hate itself can be normal. Hate speech has become violence so many times that I can not fathom not understanding that words have real power.
Regarding who may be making the problem worse, I’ll let a better spoken man field a response: “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”
First off: hate and spam aren’t mutually exclusive, it can be both. Especially when, after reading the linked article, it’s pretty clear that this isn’t an isolated case of one email going out.
But more importantly: hate is never a non-issue; you may not have been bothered but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have an impact on other’s lives. Tolerating hate is so very dangerously close to acceptance here and we as a society simply can’t allow that to become normal.
Codeberg taking the time to tell us that this was wrong and they don’t tolerate their systems being used to spread hate is good.
Hell of a good thumbnail for the article.
Enjoyable is so subjective.
I now write basically all of my projects in Rust because I find the language so enjoyable. I like it so much that it has ruined my desire to continue working on existing projects… because they aren’t written in Rust.
I wish we could stop using terms like “blasts”, “slams”, etc in the news.
I feel like it’s hard to take even very serious things seriously when it sounds like middle school me drafted it.
We’re literally pushing back on treating people with “dignity and respect”.
What a fucking joke this administration already is.
Literally half my phone screen is an ad over the main content. Fandom is indeed garbage.
Can you even imagine what kind of content would air on Rick Perry the Science Guy?
Listen I get that these people have never taken a science class, but I damn well know at least some of them watched Jurassic Park.
I am a manager for a remote team. Sometimes I screw up and forget to double remind the team about holidays. Sometimes I remember but they forget anyways.
Either way, I’m not going to screw someone out of a day of PTO; I’ll usually suggest the coming Friday off as an alternative.
I would be honest, it’s a funny mistake and worth a quick laugh.
I feel like this is really simple stuff.
If it walks like a duck, and talks like a duck, it’s probably a nazi.
What a surprise: AdamEatsAss likes enemas. 🫡
I’m not surprised. The argument at the time was that they needed users to be inside their own app and anything less was unacceptable.
Gotta gobble up dem user metrics, I guess.