Terminal is life!
But also, easy mode Linux distro for the technically challenged would be great
Terminal is life!
But also, easy mode Linux distro for the technically challenged would be great
It’s a feature, not a bug
Windows 98 -> Slackware dual boot (with big ol’ red grub screen) -> windows up to win 10 -> debian(laptop) win10 (pc)
Gonna try getting a new m.2 drive and dual booting soon to test playing the games I like on Linux. If all goes well, I’ll be moving away from windows
(theres a mac version but isn’t the same)
There was a mac version. But it is hitting EOL in August
After using AI chat stuff like this and chatgpt, ive come to the conclusion that building prompts is akin to building search queries for search engines. Wherein using the right terms leads to better results.
command! -range -nargs=1 PadColumns call PadColumns(<line1>, <line2>, <args>)
function! PadColumns(start, end, columns)
execute a:start.','.a:end.'s/\(.*\)\zs\s*$/\='.'repeat(" ", a:columns - len(submatch(1)))'
Use by typing in Normal mode :PadColumns 20
. This will add spaces after the line or selected lines to the column you specify (in this case, 20).
You could probably improve this by getting the length of the longest line and so you dont need to specify the specific column to add spaces to (20), and instead just add say 5 spaces after longest line for all lines.
I do not think that this is an existing feature in neovim, however this seems to work
:%s/\(.*\)\zs\s*$/\=repeat(' ', 15 - len(submatch(1)))
Change 15
to the column desired. You could probably create a function where you pass the column number you want so that you dont have to type this string all the time.
Good one, let me try!
Knock knock
Who’s there?
Race Condition
The answer depends on the country. In the US, review the Bank Secrecy Act and anti-money laundering (AML) regulations. In Canada, there is the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act (PCMLTFA) regulations and also the CRA requiring the individuals and businesses retain their records for up to six years.
Very unlikely.