He won the election and got exactly what he wanted and he’s still mad as hell about it.
If he didn’t make it everyone else’s problem too, I’d feel sorry for him.
He won the election and got exactly what he wanted and he’s still mad as hell about it.
If he didn’t make it everyone else’s problem too, I’d feel sorry for him.
They’re paid out according to their contributions. But they’re paid with money current workers are paying in. It is technically a ponzi, but was designed to be sustainable instead of promising reckless profits.
The money they paid was so that their parents and grandparents had a little something going into retirement.
There’s no such thing as ethnic cleansing. It’s just a weasel word for genocide. It’s all it ever has been. When “ethnic cleansing” was going on in the Balkans in the 90s, it was just a genocide that nobody was intervening to stop. Same for Myanmar in the mid 2010s And for Karabakh in 2020.
Ah yes, non-chronological updates. I’m sure everyone looks forward to seeing posts from 2019 when looking for information about a plane crash that happened two hours ago.
Russia’s search for alternatives in Algeria, Sudan, or Libya
The logistics of a Mediterranean naval base in Sudan would be something to behold. Seems like they’d have to cross the Suez. That or portage past the Aswan Dam.
He can’t say that in a meeting that will obviously have leaks. It would be “value-destroying.”
What’s the point of having “Fuck You Money” if you don’t say “Fuck you” when it matters?
There’s always somebody winning at SEO and gaming the algorithm, and there are few tactics more effective than “Exciting and Wrong”
Whenever people act like disruptive protest is such a terrible tactic, I have to wonder what they think would work instead. Like, do they think the letter writing campaigns that have gone exactly nowhere in 40 years are on the verge of a breakthrough?
Or would they prefer the environmental movement to compile an overly literal companion reader to Andreas Malm?
The Prime Minister is de jure the acting president in case of a vacancy. Given the strength of legal institutions in Russia Mikhail Mishustin would have some work ahead of him to actually hold power.
Still, it’s nice to see a conservative think-tank take a position that isn’t just capitulation to the further right.
Not that it’ll accomplish anything (though maybe it’ll sway enough of the justices to make a difference in the court).
At some point, and we all have to draw our lines somewhere, which means this will vary person to person, we have to acknowledge that this deniability is no longer plausible.
Years of replying ‘good point’ to every “Camp of the Saints” reference on the social media website you bought followed by a Roman salute feels like a good place to draw that line.
Nah, death by bulldozer shows up in any modern industrialized country that really wants some people out of the way. For instance.
Yeah, and the Capitol subway probably has loads of security. Can’t have a new Guy Fawkes Day in January.
I wonder how much of the rejection of real issues with marijuana are the after effects of nearly a century of it being demonized with sources like “we made it up” or “we just really want to jail black people and college students”.
Then again, we have people out there believing that the entire world was ruled by a single nomadic horde, the world was flooded with mud in the mid 1800s, and 1*1=2 so we might just have a broader issue with people rejecting facts they don’t like.
State charge. Garland can’t even claim credit for this conviction-without-a-sentence.
Order people to fire off more explosives than the human mind can comprehend in a war, then launch more explosives than that entire war in every battle of the next war, and you get called a “great man”
You toss a single grenade at that first guy and suddenly you’re the “bomb thrower”.
Blue sky (and just about anything else) is an improvement, but remember, there is no bottom, things can always be worse. Truth Social and Gab both still exist.
These websites, because they are all centralized, are all ultimately moderated in accordance with the whims of their owners, the effect of which was thrown into sharp relief after Apartheid Willy Wonka bought Twitter.
With a federated platform like Mastodon, no single owner would be able to do this. If an instance suddenly became terrible, they could be de-federated and they’d lose their reach.
Of course, if one instance became particularly large, the ‘whims of the owner’ problem would come right back, but at least the alternatives would still be readily available.
Just spray your roads with industrial waste to control dust. What’s the worst that could happen?
This line dropped as the second George W Bush term was getting underway. It felt super relevant then, too (I actually viewed him and Cheney as worse than Trump until he actively worsened COVID). But this term’s opening has been so bad so fast that the line really does hit different.