mathemachristian [he/him]

  • 0 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 15th, 2023


  • Before I had a kid yeah, I had a two-hour morning routine and a one-hour one depending on when I needed to leave the house. I had the recurring events in a week planned out and time alotted by chores/uni etc. I had a going to bed routine although that one never quite worked as I had hoped.

    Having a kid all of it flew out the window of course but eventually Im hoping to get back there. Notably this was achieved with the help of a behavioral therapist. Hence me saying it needs another trusted person.

    Edit: also it was a lot of practice, failing, switching things around, it definitely wasn’t as straightforward as planning, practicing, perfecting, next one.

  • Build routines and plan your week, the fewer micro-decisions you have to make the better.

    Routines for getting up, eating breakfast (exercising?). Routines for lunchtime, routines for going to bed. Routines for preparing dinner, routines for planning and going grocery shopping, routines for chores, routines to work through irregular chores/paperwork. Routines for leaving the house, routines for coming back. Best paired with a time commitment when to start a routine, planned ahead and set within a weekly schedule.

    Don’t start with all of them at once, plan one or two (the ones you stand to gain the most out of), prepare your weekly planner (physically written down! Do not handwave this step away!) then practice them over and over. It’s hard work, annoying and exhausting to practice but once they’re down you can do them on autopilot and think about whatever else. The planning and talking through of this endeavour is best done with another trusted person

  • The one thing that I always wanted from i3/sway is to have windows outside to the side of my screen, so that I could have

    |- browser@half screen size-||- editor@half screen size -||- PDF viewer@half screen size -|

    When I’m writing some math thing. Then I could just scroll to the left or to the right depending on whether I’m looking something up and writing it down, or whether I’m editing what is already written down.

    Long story short: PaperWM for GNOME

  • America didn’t have a domestic marshall plan when they implemented the actual marshall plan. They needed to rally against the soviet union with the Luftbrücke and all and now that China is taking that place they might do it again. People keep wondering about how laborers in europe are better off than the ones in the US but the reason is that if europe had american labor conditions they couldn’t have made all the doctors and scientists move west.

    The only thing that could stop them is probably that they don’t have the public capital that they had immediately after ww2.

  • Im all but convinced sublinks is a grift trying to capitalize on the failures of reddit and wants to poach as much of the users from lemmy (especially as possible. Their reasoning for creating this clone is extremely flimsy, “not enough mod tools” and before submitting any patches or attempts to improve lemmy they want to reinvent the whole system from scratch. Their stated reason for that “they don’t want to learn rust” also is very weird considering that it would be less effort to learn rust (especially if you already have a professional coding background) and submit patches to lemmy.

    Instead they reinvent the wheel with the notable difference being that they are using a license that would allow a corporation to monetize the content whereas the lemmy license disallows this for it and any derivatives of it. Which is what I think is the real reason for the rewrite.

    Also they have stated that while they will have lemmy compatibility in the beginning they will move away from it later which just sounds like a classic embrace, extend and extinguish move.

    Edit: not poach users from but rather move the userbase to its platform where they can monetize it. It’s funny that you already have to basically submit a job application there (complete with resume of you past jobs lol) if you want to be a mod, although probably unrelated.