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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • macrocarpa@lemmy.worldtoAtheism@lemmy.worldWhat in the f did I come across
    7 days ago

    It’s easy to get hung up on words, eh.

    We do “submit”, daily, to a higher power or thing beyond our control.

    It’s pouring with rain, I need to be three blocks away for a coffee catchup, I don’t have an umbrella and I have to walk. I don’t have control over time, my coffee date or the weather, so I’m going to suffer. I can’t argue with the weather or time, and while I can negotiate with my coffee date, this impacts them.

    Somewhere in that I have to accept I’m either going to be late or going to be wet. I can worry about it, beat myself up about not bringing an umbrella or checking the forecast - or I can submit to the factors beyond my control and accept I’m going to be late or be wet.

    That is one end of the “give your free will over” stick. The other end of it is a shorthand to saying the above, which is that God or Allah or fate willed it that way therefore there’s no point getting hung up upon being wet or being late. It was always going to happen, chill, someone else has this under control.

    There is a peace to that thought. Nothing I do matters, it’s all pre ordained, therefore I don’t need to care. When I read the linked quote I think - oh, you’re worried about the kid thinking they can change everything just by fighting back. It doesn’t happen kid, best you accept the things you can’t control, and get on with a happier life.

    My 2c etc etc

  • Younger than 45

    Oh OK that actually makes sense.

    45 year olds and above are digital immigrants. In short, they had an off-line childhood and an online adulthood. They have different speech and writing patterns to you because they learnt and communicated in a different way to you.

    Assuming you’re under 45, this won’t make sense, because you’ve never experienced a world which doesn’t have this sort of interaction. You’re a digital native, digital tech has always been there.

    In twenty years time, children born or educated after the advent of chat gpt will have the same problem understanding you. The way you write, post and interact will seem clunky and old fashioned. It’s already happening - we’re having to adapt the way we interact, in order to be able to ‘be understood’ by AI.

    The wonderful thing about humanity, tho, is that we do adapt and adopt! Consider this - everyone over the age of 50 had to learn something completely new to them in order to be able to communicate with you via email, sms or messaging app. They used to just talk, or write letters. Sharing media was a physical act. Yet here they are using the same texh as you. Awesome.

  • macrocarpa@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlfeeling old now?
    4 months ago

    our parents felt the same thing

    Your dad simultaneously saw you as the baby who slept securely in his arms, the child he saw through junior school, the teen who he tried to help steer past his own mistakes and the adult he wistfully spoke of with pride

    Imagine how good he must feel to know that you remember him this way.

  • Story time.

    During a conversation amongst friends the topic of male on female violence came up. there was recently a stabbing attack in Australia where a schizophrenic man stabbed and killed multiple women in a Sydney shopping centre.

    A female friend raised the statistic that 26 women had been killed in the first 114 days of 2024. She made a point of saying Every 4.38 days a woman is violently killed

    I asked - because I didn’t know - Is that like heaps more than last year?how many people would normally die in the same period?

    She said "that’s a pretty misogynistic thing to say”

    So I googled it and I can’t even find the homicide rate in Australia for 2024.

    I am really fucking irritated about this. I assume she had assumed from my question that I was waving off the importance of gender in gendered violence but how that translates into misogyny is beyond me