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it’s not paranoia if they’re actually after you 😉
all the linux users i know are more like “are you using libreoffice or openoffice?” “i’m using lyx, of course”
That is a bit outdated and only true for plastic buried in landfills. In the ocean, for example, the half life is a lot less and Comamonas testosteroni a bacteria commonly found in wastewater can break down plastic to turn it into a food source.
if it’s recycled, maybe. if it decomposes, no, because the carbon will escape again.
This is not entirely wrong, but the OP is about garbage and environmental pollution with it. It’s a fact that glass is basically just fancy shaped sand and turns back into normal sand with almost zero side effects, if it reaches the environment instead of being recycled.
If one makes glass with renewable energy (green hydrogen, for example) and the shipping is done with renewable energy (e.g. electric trucks), even disposable glass bottles become greener than plastics made from mineral oil can ever be.
First of all, many webpages use Linux, so everyone is actually already using it remotely.
For PCs it is, because ppl are lazy and MS made deals with hardware vendors to ship it preinstalled and Apple even have their own OS to preinstall.
Android contains a modified Linux though and also comes preinstalled. So to some degree many people are using Linux on their portable devices, too.
One bad apple spoils the bunch
von den berichten über die tour de france weiß ich, dass man in schwierigen fällen viel mit eigenblutdoping erreichen kann /s
maybe they can start by fixing their search. yesterday i was looking up the cheapest rechargable lithium battery of a certain type across several sites. amazon was the worst experience. after i sorted by price, i noticed the top 3 results before sorting were missing from the results, one of them should have been near the top. i tried a few things, but they (and a few others) just show up without sorting. horrible.
you’re saying that like their search works
gonna grep your ignored secrets from your shell history file real quick 😈
you can play games lying on the couch. nothing wrong with just chilling out tho
Der Schriftzug war nicht laminiert und damit nicht gültig.
Ja, Dividende muss man auch nicht ständig mehr zahlen. Ich weiß nicht, warum die gerade so jammern. Die machen noch dick Kohle mit Ersatzteilen und Verbrauchsmaterial. Vielleicht müssen sie einfach Mal die ganze Chefetage austauschen.
Ich sehe nicht ein, dass für den Wetkonzern, zu dem auch Audi, Seat und Porsche gehören und der Managern viele Millionen pro Jahr zahlt, auch nur ein Cent vom Staat bezahlt wird. Die haben genug Geld. Die Manager haben Claw-Back-Klauseln in den Verträgen. Da sollte man zuerst ansetzen.
“Keine Updates seit zwei Wochen. Schach ist tot.”
“Aber du spielst es doch gerade mit jemandem.”
*googelt wie man in Schach Leute ignorieren kann*