I am a Meat-Popsicle

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Ahh , yes two sugars please.

    Now tell me again why you feel that forcing a mother with a fatal pregnancy to go full term to kill herself is better than a boarding the fetus.

    Well you see, other people, not this girl would take advantage of it. And she’s in God’s hands anyway.

    Mmm, this is quite good is it Yorkshire Gold?

    And when a child shows up to your door and rings the bell looking for help how is it that you believe you’re in the right to shoot them in the face?

    Well, you see, man has to protect himself…

    I really don’t think I could stomach tea with these people.

  • Saying the internet was better is a haze of nostalgia, a gross underappreciation of new technologies, and a smattering of truth.

    Over 38% of the stuff I flush down the toilet is gone forever, too, and that’s ok.

    The early Internet was interesting only because it was new and different. Most of the stuff out there was low-quality stuff just for funsies projects. The barrier to entry is still very low. Anyone who wants to put up a website with whatever they’re interested in requires no technical expertise and isn’t even expensive. But you don’t see a lot of that because it’s not new or exciting and few people are going to waste their time on it. On the upside, you can now throw up your own federated content system with relatively little work and have a huge community for very very little. Things are gone chiefly because they weren’t worth saving. Sure, there are exceptions like DPReview, but they even got a reprieve because they were worth keeping.

    Before the advent of filter bubbles, the internet was a creative playground where people explored different ideas, discussed varying perspectives, and collaborated with individuals from “outgroups” – those outside their social circles who may hold opposing views.

    And how did anyone find those varying perspectives? Everything was unindexed, even search engines were crap. Fark, Digg and Slashdot, link aggregators and forums are the same as they’ve always been. Are the majority of those conversations gone? Sure, but you can find another 25,000 of them on Reddit, x, Instagram, and Lemmy, and when those are gone, some other service will replace them.

    If people are moving to algo-driven social media, it’s because they perceive it as advantageous to them. I found the algo ate too much of my time and moved back to diverse and static youtube clients.

  • Did I say prison? Because I’m pretty fucking sure I didn’t say prison.

    We don’t need bounty hunters in society. Using a bounty hunter to recover someone’s property who didn’t pay for it is the worst, well second worst outcome.

    Right now there is no straightforward repercussion for it. If you sign up for a loan to buy a car you sign up for an agreement to pay a bank. A car is not a primary possession they are allowed to recover their product. They are allowed to hire some lowlife who can afford a tow truck to come and try to steal it from you. We’re just begging for people to shoot people.

    How about the company who owns the truck gets a warrant to recover the truck, you hand over the truck, or you go to jail to await trial and post bail if you can. There’s simply no freaking way you can say that that’s better than hiring a bounty hunter to come and steal your shit.

  • You assholes love to put words in people’s mouths.

    Prison is a f****** overshot in any range of the imagination.

    What’s better threaten somebody with jail so they surrender their vehicle in peace or hire a bounty hunter to go and f****** steal it from them? The idea of a repo man is just absolute bullshit and you all know it. You already can’t take someone’s primary residence so they’re already on the f****** hook for repossession of non essentials only. I’m just abdicating that it’s better to use a warrant than it is to use some unqualified racist asshole that bought a used tow truck.

    Bounty hunters have no place in society.

  • The entire entertainment industry is floundering. Wages lagging inflation in many sectors, people are paying significantly more to eat. They’re going to cut back on the streaming services and they’re going to cut back on going out to the movies. I’m right here at these crossroads where the only thing that makes sense is to give people a little more value for the money, instead we’re going to pull every fast trick we can to make more in advertising and gambling.