ugly bag of mostly water
don’t keep sweatin’ what I do 'cause I’m gonna be just fine
I love '60s music - it’s the majority of what I currently listen to - but I’m not sure how many lemmy users will be interested in that era.
Egg whites.
The Dave Clark Five is what came to mind first for me
It’s pineapple on a pizza. Of course it’s good.
It’s supposed to make it credible that a 3 year old said this.
No toes?
Yorkshire Gold, two sugars, splash of evaporated milk.
Dominos is disgusting. It’s basically the McDonald’s of pizza. Honestly, I avoid all pizza chains and get wood-fired pizza at a local wine bar. Ooh and I just bought a pizza stone, gonna learn to make them myself!
Not significant but casual. E.g., when I’m headed to wawa and I ask my husband if he wants anything, he says “yeah, a blue gatorade”.
This is amazing - so imaginative and creative!
Oh I also enjoy both of those albums a lot, especially Here I Stand Before Me and Comin’ Back Soon.
I love the Crash Test Dummies. Give Yourself a Hand is probably my favorite album but I also really like A Worm’s Life. Their records are all so different from each other too, which is nice because their sound evolved but remained recognizable.
Starring Willem DaBow