Nozzles are disposable. I would swap for piece of mind.
Nozzles are disposable. I would swap for piece of mind.
Yes. The other 30% of 3D printing is great. I agree.
I think this can be applied to 70% of 3D printing. But sometimes it’s just fun to make the machine go brrrrrrr.
I’m going to second this. I have things labeled like 1F_Kitchen_Counter.
When searching for entities in automations it’s easy to type 1F_Kitchen and see all the entities associated with the room.
Most class 3s look like standard road bikes. Class 2s generally look like mopeds, but if it has a throttle it’s limited to 20mph.
This has been an interesting game with an interesting story.
How would it be harder to police than trying to identify a class 3 ebike?
When devs brag about the longest script, it just means the story is incoherent or could be edited down.
Imagine a tv series bragging about the longest script. That sounds boring as fuck.
What coordinator are you using?
I actually moved to mqtt fire aqara. Turns out it’s just better for everything.
MQTT by a mile.
Are you using zigbee2mqtt or ZHA? I’ve found a massive performance difference in Aqara devices between the two.
I didn’t realize I was training my kid for a boss fight.
Yea. Well. Fuck those guys.
Bro. That’s not what is happening or being talked about. Most anticheat systems have a Linux flag that can be enabled, letting them run on proton without any sort of kernel access. Everything except Denuvo and fuck that shit in particular.
This is incredible!
That’s a lot it communication for someone that’s working for free.
Couldn’t Distrobox get you through that?
I’m here to shill with you. Qidi is looked over and is an amazing bang for your buck.