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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • And will continue to be as long as people refuse to vote third party out of fear.

    No it will be that way as long as our FPTP system and Electoral College remains as it is. A third party in our election system will be a spoiler candidate. They will always take votes from another more popular candidate, and given enough third party votes will result in the least popular candidate winning.

    That is the system we have, like it or not. Sticking your head in the sand and being an idiot about it doesn’t help change reality.

    We need to implement ranked choice voting and remove the FPTP system to actually start seeing candidates that reflect our beliefs instead of having the same two football teams.

    So I’m voting third party. Proudly.

    Good for you. Throwing away your vote and actively working against reality isn’t the win you seem to think it is. But you’re free to be an idiot, this country is built on allowing everyone to be an idiot, and it’s exactly what the leaders of both large parties want to have happen. You vote, but your vote means less almost every other vote because of the system it was cast in.

    Congratulations for accomplishing nothing, at best. At least you feel superior to others for it.

  • Yeah the movie issues really go back to one root cause. They needed to write and maintain a single cohesive storyline for the trilogy. Allowing the directors to also write the movies as they wanted without any apparent oversight AND switching them in the middle and back was where the issues came from.

    JJ started a story, Rian came in and threw that out the window to do what he wanted, then they brought JJ back in, who basically finished the story he started, largely ignoring the middle. It wasn’t cohesive in any way and felt disjointed throughout because of it.