As a survivor of homeschooling, this is the one thing I wish more people understood: school is not about cramming enough data into a kid until they magically evolve into an adult. School is supposed to teach you how to think.
Not in an Orwellian sense, but in a “here’s how to approach a problem, here’s how to get the data you need, here’s how to keep track of it all, here’s how to articulate your thoughts, here’s how to ask useful questions…” sense. More broadly, it should also teach you how to handle failure and remind you that you’ll never know everything.
Abstracting that away, either by giving kids AI crutches or – in my case – the teacher’s textbook and telling them to figure it out, causes a lot of damage once they’re out of the school bubble and have to solve big, knotty problems.
Imagine being a high-ranking NYT exec, watching a computer hellbrain churn for a few minutes and spit out a five letter word.
“See? We can help!”