The ones I added recently are all git-related (one key for signing and I started using different keys for codehaus, gitlab and github)
The ones I added recently are all git-related (one key for signing and I started using different keys for codehaus, gitlab and github)
I did add a bunch of new keys to my ssh agent… this might really be it!
Now that’s a neat idea! (not sure I’ll ever implement it though: having passwords on my ssh keys is already enough of a hassle, plus having provisioning and scripts ask for password is a PITA)
Anyway, I was just trying to authenticate with a password, like we used to back in the day :)
(it’s only for install isos or freshly installed systems that I’ve not provisioned yet - everything else requires a key).
How would that improve security when all a bad actor has to do is add -o PubkeyAuthentication=no
on their side?
Also, I’m pretty sure it used to just ask for a password?
It used to back in the day, especially if you tried using shitty windows usb inkjets.
Nowadays basically all printers are network printers (they are, aren’t they?) plus we have cups which is the same thing macos uses (so manufacturers actually care).
Agreed. I don’t come here to read about windows.
Also, “microsoft’s ads for linux” in the title is a fraud clickbait.
(I assume you meant “I created a separated /var partition”)
You can move/resize partitions from basically any live usb (via cli or gparted for gnome and kde partition manager for kde).
Shall you want to, you can also merge the var partition with (say) your root partition:
Be aware that you can very easily lose your data ;)
PS: just in case, try running flatpak uninstall --unused
You can use OnFailure
in your .service
file if you want some thing to happen when that specific service fails, but I don’t know if there’s a blanket way to tell systemd to notify via email when any failure happens (I wouldn’t mind a desktop notification… will investigate)
I’d recommend learning/using systemd timers instead (well, if you are on inux and your distro uses systems)
I guess I’ll worry about this in 2 weeks then
ebay, ebay, ebay (and also pcpartpicker).
Unless you want to frag people at 4k@140Hz in the latest AAA game, you probably don’t need the latest generation components (and I’d say your requirement are quite low here, consider how the only thing you complain about is storage space).
Unless you really want to assemble everything by yourself, consider buying one of the second-hand, previous-gen gaming rigs on ebay (but watch out for scams!). Even if you do want to assemble the PC yourself, consider buying used parts on ebay (or buying a full PC to cannibalize reselling the excess).
What are the specs of your current rig? Except for storage, are you satisfied with how it runs? How much storage do you need for the projects you are working on? How much to archive things? Do you want to do anything about backups? Is a full size tower ok? How good a video do you want? What is your budget?
Well… I’d rather say It’s the only reason why we still care about Mozilla and put up with their crap :)
It’s quite easy to get rid of all that crap: just come living in the EU
I took notes for the benefit of anyone who doesn’t like their info in video form.
I love you.
Kensington? I don’t think an air tag can actually prevent theft (if they see it they’ll remove it - if they don’t see it they’ll still steal your stuff)
But it has no ads
Reading it seems to me that what I want to do is actually not possible in river, even writing a custom layout manager…
IIUC the protocol works like this: river asks “how should I layout N windows in HxW screen?” and the layout replies “window1: H1xW1 at offset X1,Y1; window2: H2xW2 …”, so there is no way for the layout manager to identify specific windows and, in my use case, put all the text editors on the left side of the screen etc.
Did you have some other approach in mind when you suggested river? (I may very well be over-complicating things and not seeing a more straightforward solution)
TBH I really liked the idea behind river, but does it have tabs? Also… I would need to write my own custom layout, wouldn’t I?
BTW: are there other WMs that are modular like river?
Sorry to be a bother, but… how do I tell hyprland I want a window to be added to a specific group?
I was thinking of something like:
windowrulev2 = tag texteditor, class:(myfirsteditor)
windowrulev2 = tag texteditor, class:(mysecondeditor)
windowrulev2 = group XXX, tag:texteditor
but I can’t find what I should write instead of group XXX
to tell hyprland/hy3 that I want the window to be added to a group on the left-side of workspace 1…
I would also be fine with some rule that could be added to exec
or probably even some dispatcher, but I can’t find anything that allows to target (or define) a specific group.
Am I pursuing this from the wrong direction?
Cheapest? Use someone else’s hrdware (or “borrow” it) and set it up at work/school/friend’s house/cafe. Free hardware, free connectivity, free electricity.
More seriously, set everithing up on whatever spare old computer you have at hand (or use a vm running on you pc). You should not start with buying hardware.