Nobody cares about Trump’s tariffs, it’s the US import companies that have to pay, not the foreign companies selling the imports, and they just pass those costs on to the American consumer.
Nobody cares about Trump’s tariffs, it’s the US import companies that have to pay, not the foreign companies selling the imports, and they just pass those costs on to the American consumer.
In light of the final outcome of Jan 6, it seems to be exactly what one should have expected.
Especially the ones raised on raw milk.
Except it is a fact that there ARE degrees of “evil”, where one side has the ability to listen to reason while the other will escalate the worst outcome.
Uh, it absolutely does, and the fact that you called someone an idiot while spewing such warped logic is hilarious.
I’m on the side that hands out awful tasting licorice candy. You are on the side that punches people in the face.
If you can’t understand logic this simple, no wonder this country is screwed.
Nope, under the Democrats, there are many Representatives who would listen and put pressure on a Dem president to do the right thing. Thanks to people with a smooth brain who think BOTH SIDES SAME, they are going to find out what everyone else already knew… they were never the same.
Except when Trump was asked what his favorite book of all time was, can you guess what he answered?
That’s right. He said The Bible was his favorite book. You do understand the difference between actually believing in something, or just being a hypocrite and a con-man, right?
It’s not about whether it’s a requirement or not. It’s about a con artist revealing the con, and watching people like you handwave it away.
I like that strawman you built, it’s so weak and flimsy a small breeze would knock it over.
Or maybe you are just a liar??
When U.S. President Barack Obama took the oath of office Monday, he placed his hand on two Bibles.
The first was the Bible used by former President Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States, when he took the oath for his first term in 1861. The second Bible was the so-called “traveling Bible” used by slain civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Junior.
Oh, quit pretending like you care. If you did, you would support the only party to have a elected as Palestinian-American, and you would listen to what she has to say. But instead of supporting her, you glazed for Trump.
Pop Quiz: which party is the only one to have a Palestinian-American respresentative in Congress?
You guessed it, the Democrats. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rashida_Tlaib
Keep telling yourself that, buttercup.
Nobody cares about genocide, man. Nobody is even talking about it anymore. Trump wasn’t the “ANTI-GeNoCIdE” candidate, and anyone with half a brain knew that ensuring Trump’s candidacy was not going to stop GENOCIDAL REGIMES.
Now we have President Pump n Dump promoting a shitcoin for his inauguration, because the SCOTUS wrote Trump a blank check for corruption. Anyone idiot enough to believe Trump was gonna stop genocide should go long on his memecoin.
You know it’s funny, but I’ve NEVER seen a comment or a post from you guys saying “BOTH SIDES ARE THE SAME, HERE ARE 10 EXAMPLES THAT PROVE IT”
But I have seen plenty of comments and posts listing example after example of just how different the progressive party is from the conservatives.
All I ever see from Team BSS is the same generic “both sides same lol because thats how I FEEL” type of answer. Never any receipts to backup those feels, I wonder why?
Um, PayPal paid $4,000,000,000 to buy Honey. $4 billion. Now, think about how much profit Honey would have had to been generating for PP to look at the numbers and buy it for that much. However it “started”, the functionality to steal was in there before they sold it to PayPal
Just wait until Trump disbands NATO and Russia starts turning the rest of the Baltics into Ukraine. Then bets are off as to whether you are even smart enough to realize… oh, never mind.
The dude spent a year figuring this out, researching and getting all his ducks in a row. What did you do, whats your contribution? Oh, let’s see, you bravely complained in a comments section about the way he chose to release the info, accusing him of the crime of sensationalism for clicks.
Gee, why would he want to get paid for his work?? HOW SELFISH! It’s not like there are companies out there trying to steal content creator revenue, right??
The way you complain more about him than the company, makes me wonder, do you work for Paypal, or that new project, Pie? Just weird to see you trying to make him look bad for wanting to get paid for his work. Sounds like a Honey thing to do.
It is on purpose. It started with his first POS company, Zip2, when he built a fake chassis to make their server look bigger and more powerful to investors.
OK bud, why don’t you tell me if the kid’s story makes sense, ok?
Kid was home alone petting the dogs, when he heard a noise upstairs. He was scared and grabbed a knife.
A man then appeared in the stairwell, saw the kid, and ran back upstairs. The man then reappeared moments later, and was now holding a gun. Making sense so far?
Now the man is coming down the stairs and this is when the kid claims the man is now telling him “he is going to kill me, [expletive] you, and all that”. Instead of running, the kid said he “upgraded his weaponry, picking up a 9mm handgun that was in the home”
So now the kid says he threatened to kill the man and ordered him to get out of the house, “I guess when I pulled the gun put on him he didn’t think it was a real gun cause he didn’t worry about it, he just kept walking”
Are you with me so far? The man supposedly has a gun and threatened to kill the kid, but doesn’t shoot. The kid suddenly has a gun and threatens to kill the man and orders him out of the house. The kid described the man as LEAVING the house.
Once the man is outside, the kid “fires a warning shot”. The man, carrying a stolen laundry hamper, starts running. That’s when the kid empties the magazine by firing 12 shots at the intruder.
“I shot through the hamper he was carrying. It was a full metal jacket bullet. It went straight through the back of his leg. He started crying like a little baby.”
That is the kid’s story of what happened, and it sounds like the kid invented a gun and a threat to his life in order to justify shooting someone who was running away. Also, how do you think that guy held a gun on the kid while holding onto a laundry hamper full of what I assume was stolen items?
That has the same chances of happening as Trump going to jail for his lengthy list of crimes, ya know?