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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • anyone who has seen the news on this and kept their Disney+ subscription should be, for moral purposes, treated as someone who condones murder

    Bro, not gonna lie, this is a bad take. My grandparents just want to watch their soap operas, my parents really like star wars.

    It’s like global warming. Blaming individuals for not recycling is not the move - taking action against huge corporations is the only realistic way to make change. By blaming random people, we end up looking like crazy people.

  • Met a girl while being an English teacher in China. She was originally from New York. She had a very distinctive voice, very hard to forget.

    Fast forward 10 years. I’m at the Santa Monica Pier playing Pokemon Go with my brother. Suddenly, THAT VOICE. I’m like… No… That isn’t possible. I keep on walking.

    We reach the end of the pier, and turn around. And BOOM. There she is. We make eye contact, and are both like wtffff.

    Turns out she moved there to do a podcast or something.

    Anyway cool shit

  • When people say things like this, I wonder if they understand how impossible it is. Google is not just a company. It is a 2 trillion dollar entity. Even if Google search entirely fails, it will still persist. At this point, you may as well say, “The wind needs to be ended.” You don’t end the wind. The wind already won. It will outlive you, me, and our children.

    What we can do is protect against it. We can deal with it. We can contain it. We can redirect it and repurpose it to be helpful. But ending it? That doesn’t happen.