Naw. He can’t afford to lose cheap labor
Naw. He can’t afford to lose cheap labor
As a scientist who works with all kinds of things humans ingest, I am very scared of this man and the deregulations he’ll bring. But you know, fuck science and education, cuz ‘Merica.
Side note, how do we reach people who reject science? I always thought education was the path forward, but they seem to be attacking that route too. Are we doomed to live in a world of conspiracy theories and misinformation?
Edit: The ACS is offering a course on “How to Navigate Trust in Science Conversations” I guess I’ll start here. It’s not the quick answer I’m looking for, but I guess it’s a start. I think it’s free for non-ACS members if anyone is interested.
Inland Empire, Bakersfield, and Orange County would like to have a word with you.
I couldn’t do it, I’d be worried everyone could tell I was high. Tbf tho, no one called him out for licking rocks… sooooo idk. I’d just hate to be remembered as the rock licking guy
Obligatory f*** airbnb
Is there a community of food memes like these? I freaking love em and I want moar
Almost feels like this law will segue into some form of subscription based nonsense…
Lemmy is a fine place for it, saying it’s a hive mind may have some truth, but it’s also a copout. Just back up controversial opinions with some sources.
You said you read things that “got you to this point.” What was it you read? I’d be interested in reading it.
Not clear on what you’re trying to say here. The energy generated from a fuel cell is electricity. The entire fuel cell assembly is essentially a battery, using hydrogen and oxygen as the electrochemical components.
But, I think you’re trying to argue that one is better than the other. To that all I can say is we all are just getting out of being locked into a singular infrastructure (combustion engines) for the last 90 so years, it’s probably best to invest concurrently in multiple alternative energies instead of putting all of our eggs in one basket. Hydrogen has some strengths where lithium ion does not and vis versa. I’d assume it would be best to diversify so if one fails we have multiple backups. Kinda like investing money, don’t put all your money behind one horse.
How dare. 6.35mm is superior and I for one want it on my phone. The larger jack size provides a greater surface area for conductance. Why is this important? Glad you asked, more surface area translates to less resistance at the junction, thus allowing more electrons to flow freely from your device to your ocular cavity, where sound is processed from compression waves into electromagnetic waves. The 6.35mm jack is the best option for hi-fi 256 bit color. As you can see, it’s all basic science. Source: I’m a stientist
Oh, that thing is garbage. I prefer the 6.35mm RGA jacks for superior hi fidelity quality. It’s a shame they don’t make phones with those.
What’s a headphone jack?
Ah yes, privatization will make it cheaper because of competition…
meanwhile one company buys out all the competition, monopolizes, charges more, and becomes the modern day version of a duke or lord. Yay capitalism
Thank you, I appreciate your response.
I just wish someone could explain to me the benefits of doing this? Who stands to benefit financially? Who are the stakeholders? Why can webapps not be used instead? Do side loaded apps have access to apples APIs, do webapps not? Can apple, like Reddit charge for use of said APIs?
Also, why does everyone seem to portray such a personal stance on the subject, how would allowing side apps benefit any of those who have downvoted me in their day to day lives.
The barrier to entry for an android is incredibly low. You could trade in your iPhone to get an android. There is choice in the market place, exercise your own freedom and switch to android
Name calling, good to see we’re keeping it classy
Using the same logic: just don’t participate by not purchasing an apple product. There are alternatives out there, buy an android. I enjoy my walled garden, it’s a feature that I pay a premium for.
Enter everyone to tell me why I’m wrong and/or stupid (see replies below).
I’m looking forward to all the noise pollution. Drones, drones everywhere