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Joined 2 days ago
Cake day: September 27th, 2024


  • Man this must be your first election, otherwise you’d realize you’re repeating the same word for word nonsense Dems have been paying people to say since the 1980s, right down to the scary Russians with infinite power and influence sentiment.

    There will always be another monster your owners are going to tell you wants to destroy democracy and bring on fascism so you must only ever vote for them for the rest of time without fail or deviation.

  • Sure, trump did two of those, Biden has done one but promised more, and those don’t touch the problems Americans actually have, like affording rent and groceries while dealing with record inflation and failing economy for all but the wealthiest. If Dems kept half their promises they’d still be 80s Republicans, but at least people wouldn’t be becoming homeless at the fastest rate in US history.