The other dev/wife did QA and part of the mapping. It’s a bit hard to finish a game without your programmer/designer.
The other dev/wife did QA and part of the mapping. It’s a bit hard to finish a game without your programmer/designer.
The handheld PC market is still small. Nobody else in the digital space has taken it seriously yet.
If you look at iOS, you’ll see what I’m talking about. It’s effectively two products, a piece of hardware and a digital store. To beat it, you have to beat both the hardware and the store at the same time. It took the entire mobile hardware industry forming an alliance with one of the largest software companies in the world to even try to compete with it.
If SteamOS comes to dominate the handheld market, I could see them being forced to make an API so that other stores like Epic and GOG can have the same quality of integration in the non-desktop interface.
If you have two products that are both the best at their respective thing and you tightly integrate them, it makes it incredibly difficult for a competitor to match you. That is abusing a monopoly in each space to benefit the other.
Jesus was born in the spring, not the winter. Christmas is an adaptation of northern winter festivities and they slapped a Christian justification on it.
Blocks are a quarter mile where you are? That’s huge!
In Chicago, they are an 8th of a mile, which usually means blocks are 2x2 big buildings downtown.
deleted by creator
Labeling it the beginning of winter is a cultural thing.
Rakuten is up front about it. They force their affiliate links, then pay you part of their cut.
Honey forces their affiliate links in exchange for maybe finding you a discount code.
Have you seen Bojack? It’s more animated show than cartoon.
So much nostalgia.
POS is an English acronym. It stands for Point of Sale. The proper term would usually be POS Terminal, but it’s often shortened to POS.
Super Mario 64 DS had you sitting at a poker table in a casino playing poker. New Super Mario Bros had the same poker game, but I’m not sure if that one was in a casino. PEGI rated both of them 3+.
Super Mario 64 DS and New Super Mario Bros both include poker. PEGI rated them 3+.
Looks like draw-order to me. One is rendering overlapping decals front-to-back, the other back-to-front.
They are small cylinders, so without gloves lots of half prints will be left. Fingerprints are so similar that that is unlikely to be usable to find the loader without a ton of effort. It is very useful to tie a suspect to the weapon after they have been found through other means, however.
A smart criminal should always wear gloves when interacting with anything that may be collected as evidence.
Federal or state/local?
I don’t think she’s complaining. She is making the very good point that the benefit of the bill is invisible, while the downsides are visible. Making policy decisions based on what’s right instead of what’s marketable makes a party unpopular because the electorate is dumb and shortsighted.
FWIW, it’s not allowed in Chicago but people tend to use the space for short-term parking and pulling over. The city has started blocking the road surface near corners to make this impossible, both with curb bump outs and simple flexible reflective posts.
Notch worked at King before, so MC is directly related to one of the companies on the list.
Microsoft now installs games in an unprotected directory because people were so annoyed they couldn’t use the mods made for other storefronts.
It’s not a conservative party, it’s a big tent party. At this point the only broadly accepted party line is ‘sanity.’
Far-right manipulation is so effective that they can reasonably compete with everyone else combined.