Performing Tchaikovsky’s lesser known “Owl Pond”
Performing Tchaikovsky’s lesser known “Owl Pond”
This is really neat, wish it was closer to me!
Just an FYI, the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) prohibits the collection and possession of nearly all wild native bird parts–including naturally shed feathers-- without a permit in the US. There are a few exceptions, such as game birds and non-native species.
Reminds me of the Chilly Downs in Labyrinth!
It’s absurd, that’s all.
Looks like my cat when she’s angy. 🤣
Please come to my house and enjoy all the juicy voles, so they’ll stop eating my beans and cukes.
Yeah, I think that’s a problem with quite a few of Larson’s comics. A lot of it was based on tropes and stereotypes that were more accepted at the time. I’m gen x, so I get the humor, and found it funny back then, but with hindsight some of them were questionable if not outright offensive. In this case, however, he is ridiculing the cavalry for their hubris, when they should have had a better plan against the combined native forces. Custer screwed up and died as a result. If anything, it’s saying the natives were much smarter.
Wow, what a beautiful bird. Remember this pic for next OOTY, I bet screechies will get a boost.
Also, we need to think of a word that starts with H to put in front of Owl of the Year, so it will be the HOOTY. 😆